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They had dinner together like a whole family. Jane was in awe the whole time. The Evans family are family goals. They share everything with each other be it good or bad, happy or sad. The ideal family, loving and supportive parents. Filial and responsible children. A very loving family. After dinner, the whole family sat in the living room, chatting and discussing. Christian was discussing business with his dad, Brandon. Stella was listening and giving advice at right time. Jane was listening and watching this silently. The picture of perfect family was right in front of her.

Stella looks at Jane, watching them, "What happen?" 

"Nothing. You guys look so close." Jane tells. "Do you share everything with each other?"

"We do share everything with each other." Stella says happily. "So, tell me something about you, Jane."

"What do you want to know?" Jane says.

"Your hobbies? Tell us about it." Stella inquires curiously. Brandon and Christian paused their business talk and listen to us.

"I like to read books. Maybe listen to music." Jane tells.

"Nice. You like to do calm things. Are you interested in gardening?" Stella asks.

"I am interested in gardening. Back in home, I planted many plants." Jane says, a smile appears on her face, collecting memories of her in garden where she planted pants and flowers. She used to smile and talk to her plants. Her smile fades away. One day, her parents removed all her plants. She cried alot on that day.

"What happen?" Stella notices her smile fading away.

"Nothing. Just my plants died." Jane says sadly. Trying hard to cover her emotions.

"No problem. You can plant them again." Stella says "We have a big yard, you can plant any type of plants you want."

"That's so kind of you." Jane says.

"Tell us about your family?" Stella says.

"It's different from yours." Jane says sadly "To be honest, I can't call it family."

"What does that mean?" Stella question.

"This is what a family should look like." Jane answer looking at them. "You know like eating together, sharing everything with each other, supporting each other. Happy family."

"Why? Your family isn't happy family?" Stella ask.

Jane was dumbfound. Family? Happy family? What is that? From childhood, she had always felt envious with children's who have happy family. Her parents never recognized her as their daughter. She and her parents were basically strangers to each other.

"Jane." Stella pats her shoulder. 

"Yes." Jane say. She was getting emotional. She didn't wanted to show her vulnerable side. She tried hard to manage her expression.

"Tell us about your family? Do they know about your wedding?" Brandon ask. "I know the wedding was sudden. We didn't even met before." Stella nods in agreement with her husband.

"Why don't we invite them for dinner?" Stella suggests.

"NO." Jane says loudly. 

"Why not?" Christina ask her. "It's just a dinner."

"No. You can't invite them...." Jane says.

"Why? They are your parents. Don't they want to see their daughter's in-law family?" Christian ask.

"No. Don't trouble yourself." Jane stubbornly tells.

"It's not a trouble. We want to know about your family." Stella speaks.

"Mam. Sir. Please don't." Jane pleads.

"Tell me the reason." Christian claim.

"It's that my nana is sick." Jane tells slowly. "She is in the hospital." 

"Oh." The three of them says together. 

"Who is Nana?" Christian ask.

"My grandmother." Jane replies "She raised me when..."

"Sorry to hear. We hope she stays healthy." Brandon says.

"Thanks." Jane say and give a weak smile.

"What about your parents?" Christian ask. "Your mom and dad? What do they do? How they are like?"

Jane didn't utter a word. Christian and his parents were waiting for her reply. They look at her. No words came out of her words. She opens and close her mouth many times. No voice comes. As if her voice is struck in her throat. No air passes in her lungs. Her parents were strangers to her. The only thing they did for her was giving birth to her. She was silenced.

"Why are you silent? Tell us." Christian ask.

After being silent for long time, "I..... They......" Jane stammers. The whole Evan family was looking at Jane. They want to know about her. Jane was feeling uncomfortable, her breathes start to heavy. The night she tried to forget comes in her mind. 

The sound of car crash? Her view was turn upside down. The pool of blood. The crying sound of a boy. The sound of sirens. It was a nightmare for her. 

Everyone in the room, noticed her being u comfortable. The change in her expression was clearly evident. She had scared expression all over her face.

"Jane. It's okay, if you're finding it difficult to talk." Stella pats her shoulder. "Take your time. You can tell us when you are ready." Brandon nods his head in agreement with his wife. But Christian was not convinced. He look at her.

"It's just....." Jane finally says, after calming herself "my parents are never in picture.'

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