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Jane was listening to all of this, felt sad and pitiful, for Christian and his family. Confused about what he said about the release and reception and angry at him for using her as shield. She felt very bad about the whole situation. The whole situation was such a mess.

"Jane. Jane." Christian calls her name loud, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Get ready for the reception." He ordered.

"No." Jane says. Her patience has reached its level. She is not gonna let anyone use her.

"What did you say?" Christian asks.

"I said no." Jane looks at him. "Who do you think are ordering?"

"I'm sorry." Christian sounds confused. "What?"

"Did you asked my option?" Jane took her stand.

"What does that even mean?" Christian say "We are already late for the reception, okay? So, stop your drama and get ready."

"Ya. You both also need to dance the first dance." Lucas reminds kindly.

"What dance?" Jane looks at him confusion.

"The first dance of bride and groom." Ryan describes.

"No way." Jane sound serious. "I have to dance with him. And that to wearing this dress." Jane says dramatically. Everyone was looking at her amused.

"Why can't you dance with me?" Christian inquires.

"Because it's you and I can't dance." Jane looks at him fumingly.

"It doesn't matter." Christian says "All you have to do is move your hips and legs."

"Seriously." Jane fumes "It's easy for you to say that 'It doesn't matter'." Jane imitates Christian. A smile appears on everyone's face.

"What's the problem?" Christian asks.

"Problem. There are so many of them." Jane's voice begin to get loud. "First problem. YOU.  You forced me to marry you. You have no idea what others will talk about me. "Look at her, she married her boss? Ew. That's suck, okay. My second problem, is this damn heels. They are killing my legs. Why do people wear heels?" Her voice grew louder. "The third problem. Though this dress looks beautiful." She says looking at the wedding gown "It's heavy and uncomfortable. Like I can't even move freely. The fourth,  I feel like I am wearing a mask because of the makeup." She breathes out.

Everyone looked at her. Surprise expression on their face. 

"Wow." Lucas says in amusement. 

"It's not funny." Jane says very seriously.

"Sorry." Lucas apologies "But the way you are whining reminded me of someone." He say remembering her. 

"This are not problems." Christian says to Jane.

"Of course they are. The biggest is YOU." Jane was furious.

"Me?" Christian points to himself.

"Yes. You."

"And Why is that?" Christian questions.

"You are bossy. You forced me to marry you without my opinion. And even now, you are ordering me to attend the reception and even dance with you." 

 "You are repeating yourself." Christian says.

"Are you even getting my point?" Jane argues.

"Yes. If you are facing problem with the dress. You can change the dress if you want. About the heels, if you don't like to wear them, don't wear. Next was makeup. Who asked you to apply makeup? You can remove it, you feel irritated because of it." Christian says casually. Jane's blood pressure was increasing listening it.

"And what about YOU? My biggest problem." Jane says controlling herself.

"Me? Am I problem? That's not my problem? You deal with it in your way." 

"Oh. God." Jane's patience and frustration has been broken. "We are not compactable. This is not going to work."

"How do you know that?" Christian asks.

"Because we are two different people." Jane explains slowly "We don't know anything about each other..."

"You are wrong. We know each other well." Christian cuts her.

"We don't..."

"I like to eat sweet things." Christian says randomly.

"No. You don't." Jane corrects him.

"What's my favorite color?" Christian ask out of blue.

"What?" Jane gets confused.

"What's my favorite color?" Christian repeats the question.

"I don't know." Jane answers. "How will I know your favorite color?"

"Just answer it." He says. "You have been working under me for 3 years of course you know the answer."

"I don't..."

"Jane." He looks at her seriously. Jane can feel his alpha aura imitating from him.

"Black." Jane says very slowly, almost non audible.


"Black." She answers loudly.

"What type of coffee I drink?" He questions

"Black coffee." She answers.

"My favorite sports to watch?" 

"Basketball and Football."

"My favorite dish?"


"What I do when I am not working?"


"What gift did I gave to mom on her birthday?"

"You gifted her watch."

"When I want to uplift my mood what do I do?"

"Spending time with your friend and family." Jane answers the question.

"See you know everything about me." Christian concludes. Everyone in the room were impressed that Jane knows the answer of the question he asked.

Jane was shock. She didn't believe she knew the answer of all his questions. So was Christian. He didn't knew Jane would know things about him.


"No buts. Everything is settled. Let's go for the reception. It's getting late." Christian says and wear his suit.

After seeing them bickering, the family members were relieved. They saw the spark between them. There's a possibility that their relation can bloom in the future if given time.

"We will go. You guys come in few minutes." Stella says and leave them alone in the room. They both look at each other and look away. 

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