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The venue was beautifully decorated with white orchids. The chairs were arranged near the aisle. All the guests were seated. The band at the side of the hall was playing music. The servers were serving snacks to the guests. The smell of flowers in the air. The voices of guests talking echoing the hall.

Downstairs before entering the hall. Lucas and Ryan were shock when they learn that Christian decided to marry Jane, his secretary. They know her and met her. 

As the bride and groom can't see each other in wedding dress. Cristian was busy entertaining the guest. When they and the whole family show Jane in the wedding gown. They were mesmerized by her. 

"Let begin." William says.

"There's a problem. Jane's father is not here. Who will walk her down the aisle?" Sophie questions. Christian's parents, Lucas's parents and Ryan's parents were quite. That's right, who will walk her down the aisle?

Jane was sad. It's every girls dream, when her father walks her down the aisle and give her hand in her partner's hand. Her eyes got teary when she realized that her dream will never be fulfilled.

"I will do it." Tim says after thinking. "I will walk Jane down the aisle. I will be your father." He says and pats her head. Jane was left speechless. He takes her hand and place it on his forearm. "I will think as if I am walking her down the aisle. As I promised her." He says to his friends and his wife. "Dear. Don't worry. Relax. I am here for you." He says to Jane. A subtle smile appear on her lips. "Thank you." She says. He smiles at her. "Ready?" She nods her head.

Except Tim and Jane, everyone enters the hall.

The officiant of the wedding was Lucas Smith. He stands at the center of the stage. "Hello everyone." He grabs everyone's attention towards him. "The wedding ceremony is about to begin. Before that I would like to thank each and every one who came to attend this holy matrimony." He says and everyone applauds. 

"Let's invite the charming and handsome groom. Christian Evans." Lucas says loudly.

With bright smile Christian enters in the midst of cheering and applauds. He walks the aisle and stands in front of Lucas. They both smile at each other. Acting as normal as they could.

"Now. Let's all hear it for the most beautiful bride as she enters." Lucas says. Everyone turns to the entrance of the hall. They were curious to know who is the bride of Christian Evans.

The wedding anthem began to play, when Jane enters with Tim. Everyone gasps to see the beautiful bride walking down the aisle. Jane was slowly walking down the aisle with Tim beside her. She was walking towards Christian who was mesmerize seeing her walking towards him. She was looking like an angel in the dress. Christian heart was racing as she came near to him. 

As she reached near the stage, Christian come to them. Tim takes Jane's hand and place it on the Christian's extended hand. Jane got emotional and teary. Tim also got emotional. "Take care of her." He says to Christian. He nods his head. With Jane's hand in his hand. They stand in front of the officiant Lucas.

"We are here to see witness the holy matrimony of these two souls. Who from this day onwards shall forever be one." Lucas continues "Now, I may ask the groom to recite the vows he wrote for nth time. Please read your vows." 

Christian look at me. Take a breath. "When I met first met you. I thought you were strange. Being cautious around people. Talk less, work more type of person. I felt attracted to your hardworking nature. Your passion and dedication to your work. Your silently taking care of others when no one is noticing. But I notice that. You are different from other girls I met. You make me laugh I no one could. You always listens to me, even though sometimes it's quite boring. You never complaint about my grumpy nature. You have the power to always making sure I am in good mood. You give me the warmth and comfort no one ever give. You are the one who was fated to be mine. And I am very honored to call you mine. From this day onwards I promise to be the person you can rely on. I promise to protect you from any difficulty and to keep you save from any form of danger. I promise to give you the security that you need. You will be only one in my life. No one except you. I promise to listen to your rants. To pamper you and always make sure I am there for you. I promise to try hard to be my best version. I promise to love you, understand you, respect you, trust you and communicate with you." He got emotional. Jane got tears in her eyes. She knows this vows are not meant for her. It hurts very badly knowing the person he is talking is not her.

"I love you, emm...." He stopped. He was going to her name. Jane got stiff. Lucas and the family tense. Guests looking here and there. "My enamored. My love, Jane Ford." Nice save. A sigh of relief from the family and Lucas who knew about the situation.

"What a wonderful and committed vows. Now I would ask the beautiful bride to read her vows." Lucas says.

The color of Jane's face turn white. Vows? She didn't even wrote it. How can she read it? She wasn't the bride? She wasn't suppose to stand here? She looks at Lucas and then at Christian. Damn. Worst situation ever. Her mind got blank. Her hands turning cold. Her stomach swirling inside her. The air got struck in her lungs. She can't breath properly. Christian and Lucas notices her nervousness.

"The bride is nervous. Well that's normal to feel nervous and scared when you are getting married. Everyone does feels it, right?" He laughs trying to ease the tension.

"Take a breath." Christian says slowly that only I can hear it. She obey and take a deep breath.

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