Chapter Two

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Evette had been traveling with Laddie for hours, before she finally found an area that she thought wouldn't be a bad place to live. They were about five and a half, almost six hours, away from Santa Carla, and they never planned to go back. She was just glad that she and Dwayne had been saving up money for so long. She was able to use the money to buy a house—once she found one.

She drove around the area for a bit, until she found a house for sale. It was a tall house, but from the looks of it, it didn't have too many bedrooms or space. It would be perfect for her and Laddie, as well as any extras they may meet throughout their life. Anyhow, Evette pulled out her phone and called the number on the For Sale sign outside the home.

An elderly lady answered, and Evette told her she was outside the home and wanted a tour before buying. The old lady agree, and after twenty minutes, Evette and Laddie were inside looking around. While inside, Evette heard the revving of an engine from next door. She looked out the window, and seen a few people and a few cars at the house next to theirs.

"That's the Torettos. They're very nice people, just a little loud sometimes." The elderly lady said, and Evette nodded.

"How much are you wanting for this place?" Evette asked, and the old lady gave her a price.

Instead of trying to talk the old woman down on price, Evette simply grabbed her bag full of money, and counted out as much as the woman had said. Obviously, it took more than just money to get the house, since Evette had to fill out paperwork and such, but she soon owned the house and everything inside. Luckily, there were already beds, a couch, a fridge, washer and dryer, a stove, and a kitchen table with chairs, so Evette didn't have to buy much.

"Will you be okay on your own?" Evette asked Laddie, and the little boy nodded.

"Just don't take too long." He replied, making her laugh.

Evette stepped outside of the house and locked the door, before she walked out to her car. When opening the car door, she seen a blonde man look over towards her. He gave her a nice smile, and he waved. She waved back, before climbing into the car and driving away.

While at the store, Evette bought two bed sets, four pillows, some food, blankets, pots, pans, bowls, plates, silverware, laundry soap, dish soap, bathroom products, hygiene products, and a little bit of clothes for her and Laddie to fit in better. Once she had the stuff, she headed back to her new home. As soon as she pulled up, she watched Laddie unlock the door and run out to help her.

"Can I carry stuff?" Laddie asked, and Evette nodded.

"Nothing too heavy." She replied, making him sigh dramatically.

"Would you like some help?" She heard, causing her to jump slightly.

"You scared me." She murmured, seeing the blonde man walking over.

"Sorry," He replied, showing another bright smile,"I'm Brian. I live next door with a few friends. I figured you and your little boy could use some help." He said, making her smile shyly.

"Evette, and uh, sure," She answered,"That'd be great."

Laddie grabbed mostly food, while Evette and Brian grabbed everything else. Once everything was set down on the floor in the kitchen, Brian let out a sigh.

"Anything else you need?" He asked,"If it's too hard, I can get some more muscle." He commented, making her smile.

"No," She answered,"I think that's everything. The house already had the furniture I needed before I moved in." She said, and he nodded.

"Well, if you ever need anything, just come next door. Someone's almost always there to help." Brian stated, before he headed out of the house.

"He was nice." Laddie commented, making Evette laugh.

"Yeah, he was." She replied, as she started putting things away.

"What are you making for dinner?" He asked, causing her to playfully roll her eyes.

"Pizza rolls," She answered,"I thought you'd like to try something new." She added, making him smile.

Evette turned on the oven and let it preheat, as she quickly put everything in its place. She made a note to set up the beds later, otherwise she'd forget and they'd end up going to bed late because she'd have to make the beds.

"Go get a shower while they cook." Evette commented, handing Laddie a towel and a new pair of pajamas.

She placed the rest of the towels in the closet in the bathroom, before she placed all of the soaps and stuff by the shower so Laddie would have everything he needed. Once she was out of the bathroom, Laddie took a quick shower and cleaned all the sweat and diet off his body. It had been a while since they'd had good showers, considering the Lost Boys hideout didn't have great water.

"Laddie! Dinner is ready!" Evette called, and quickly, Laddie came running down the stairs.

Evette laughed quietly, as she placed a large bowl of pizza rolls on the table for her and Laddie to share.

"I bought some pudding cups to eat after dinner." She commented, and he cheered.

"I'm so happy I live with you, Evie." He said, making her smile.

"Y'know, I wasn't going to let anyone take you away from me. You were always going to live with me when I left." She replied, causing him to nod silently.

"You're like my mom, right?" He asked, and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, I guess." She answered, causing him to bite his lip.

"So, can I call you Mom?" He asked, a hopeful look passed through his eyes.

"If that's what you want to do." She replied, making him grin.

"I love you, Mom." He said, standing up and wrapping his arms around her.

"I love you, Laddie." She murmured, kissing the side of his head.

In that moment, she felt like they were actually going to make it after everything that happened in Santa Carla...

Butterflies (T. Parker) (Lost Boys/F&F crossover)Where stories live. Discover now