Chapter Thirteen

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Evette wasn't too happy that she had to work with Mr. Nobody, but it was better than staying home and worrying. She did worry about Mia and Laddie, but she knew Mia could defend herself and Laddie if she needed to. Mia was a strong and capable woman, and Evette had no doubt about that. She wasn't anything like Star, and that's why Evette truly cared for her.

Once they were in this hidden building, Evette began to really wonder what Mr. Nobody had gotten them into. He explained some of the stuff to them, but Evette didn't know all of it. She knew she wouldn't, unless she asked the Toretto family about everything, or rather, her family now.

She hated bringing up her own past, so she wouldn't ask them about theirs. She simply listened to the things that were said, and got ready to do what she was told to do. The plans sounded solid, and that was good enough for her. As long as she, and everyone else, made it out alive she was happy.

Since Brian and the others knew Evette could race, they allowed her to have her own car. The more people they had out, and the more cars they had driving around made the plan more full proof. Evette hoped she was as good as they believed she was, otherwise she'd drag down the whole team.

Evette was actually given one of the most important roles, and that was to have Dom's back. Dom was the main enforcer in the team, and he picked two people to have his back while the others had other jobs to do. The two people he chose was Letty and Evette. He knew they'd have his back, and they'd be strong enough and smart enough for the task.

Anyway, through the entire "hit" they took part in, Evette stayed on Dom's tail. She and Letty didn't let one person past. When and armored car came towards them, Evette tossed out a bunch of nails. It wasn't the perfect idea, but it seemed to work. The two front tires on the car went flat, and at such a high speed, the car flipped over. Other cars smacked into it, causing it to explode.

"Whoa! Go, Evie!" Brian exclaimed through the mics, causing Evette to grin.

When they had gotten what they needed, they headed back to the building that Mr. Nobody had brought them to. Mr. Nobody was waiting on them with a smile on his face. To Evette, she wasn't sure she should trust a man that always seemed to be in a good mood, not to mention, he always had connections and things he kept hidden.

He was a smart man, but smart could become dangerous real fast. Evette stayed wary of him, even after he had proven himself to be solid. The team discussed more plans, but it was things that were going to be in small groups. Evette was sent with Brian, since she was as stealthy and normal as he was.

The two had to sneak into a government building, and they used Brian's old police information. They believed him when he told them that Evette was his partner, so she didn't have to show a badge. If she would've, then she would use the fake one that Mr. Nobody provided her with.

Once they had taken what they needed, they headed out of the building. Before they could get out though, two guards recognized them, and knew they weren't supposed to be in the restricted area. The guards came running at them, but Brian and Evette were ready. Brian grabbed one and slammed him into the wall, Evette slammed her head into the other one's nose.

She had remembered the lessons she had taken when she was younger, as well as the ones Dwayne had given her. Brian had helped her keep up her training a little, but they didn't think she needed much. She was able to knock out the guard that attacked her, at the same time that Brian knocked our his guard.

The two looked at each other and grinned. They had won, and they had gotten away with it with very minimal problems. Evette and Brian escaped the government building moments later, climbed into Brian's vehicle, and headed back to join the team.

Once the two had gotten back to the rest of the team, Brian told them what happened. He also informed them of how kick ass Evette was when she fought the guard. Everyone seemed pleased with her, and congratulated her on handling her business.

"You were built for this life, Evie." Letty commented, and Evette smiled to herself.

Evette was proud of herself. She hadn't expected to get so far. She though she'd simply race with them, but here she was committing heists without a care in the world. She only worried about her family, she didn't give a damn about anyone else.

"We'll be heading back in the morning. Let's get some sleep before we head back." Dom told his team, and everyone agreed.

Tej and Evette shared a room, which was to be expected, since they were a couple, and so did Letty and Dom. Brian and Roman got their own rooms, since they didn't bring any women along with them. Brian would've only brought Mia, but there was no telling who Roman would've brought.

Hell, Evette wasn't even sure if Roman planned to have a steady relationship anytime soon. She wanted him to be happy, just as much as she and everyone else was in their own relationships, but Roman seemed happy on his own. To be honest, the man seemed to always be happy or in a goofy mood.

Evette was just glad she got to meet someone as funny and chill as Roman. He made jokes and could make a room laugh at the worst of times. He was the comedic relief everyone needed, especially when Tej bounced his own jokes off the man...

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