Chapter Six

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After the last dinner, Evette would go over to the Toretto home with Laddie a lot. She would help Mia make dinner, or she would go out driving with the guys. It was definitely a lot of fun for her, since she didn't get to do things like that when she lived with her family.

Tej, and their friend Roman Pearce, had decided to stay a few weeks with the Toretto family. Evette had a feeling it was more than just visiting, but none of them voiced it, so she just let her assumptions go. Besides, what they did when she wasn't around really wasn't her business, and she knew that. As long as she and Laddie were safe around them, she could care less about what they got around to doing when she wasn't around.

Roman was one of the funniest guys Evette had ever met, but it wasn't exactly his jokes that were funny. It was more so his actions and reactions to things. He had some of the funniest reactions when things happened to him, and when things didn't go his way.

Tej was funny too though, but he was funnier than Roman, especially with his words. He could make Evette laugh a lot, and truth be told, he was proud of himself for it. Normally, he simply flirted with a girl until he got into her pants, but for some reason, he felt different when it came to Evette.

Dom and Brian still hung out with Laddie a lot outside, and to Evette, Laddie was becoming a little mechanic. He knew things that she definitely didn't when it came to cars. Brian was slowly trying to get her to learn, but it was definitely a slow process because he had to explain things sometimes two or three times.

Evette ended up drawing diagrams of everything, and labeling each part of them and put explanations of what they did. She was actually a really good artist, so she was able to understand things after she made the diagrams.

"You should draw these diagrams for everyone," Brian commented,"We could use them when we're trying to build our own parts and figure out what's wrong with the car."

"Are you sure my diagrams would help that much?" She asked, raising her eyebrow skeptically.

"Yeah," Brian answered, laughing quietly,"you should have more confidence in yourself, Evie." He said, making her smile.

"Y'know, that's the reason you're my best friend," She pointed to him slightly,"you always compliment me, and make me happy. You make me see my own worth, even when my own family made me think I was nothing." She commented, and he pulled her into a hug.

"You're a great girl, Evie," He murmured,"and if you're family couldn't see that, than they're just terrible people who don't deserve you." He added, giving her a genuine smile.

Mia watched them from the window with a smile on her face. She knew how much Brian cared for Evette, he said she was like the little sister he never had. The woman could see just how much Brian was changing Evette, and making her come out of her shell. The entire family was good for Evette and Laddie, and Mia could see it every day the mother and son were around.

Mia could also see the change in Tej when he was around Evette. Tej was always a happy and fun person, but with Evette he seemed even happier. He was always trying to make her smile, and he even became jealous when Roman made the girl laugh. Mia wondered if Tej or Evette realized that they had feelings for each other, but she had a feeling they were oblivious.

"Y'know," Brian began, wrapping an arm over Evette's shoulders, as he lead her inside of the house,"I may be your best friend, but you're my sister." He said, causing a smile to appear on Evette's face.

"You're the brother I wish I had." She replied, making him grin.

"Well, I'm here now, and you won't be able to get rid of me." He answered, causing her to laugh.

Once they were inside, Evette went to the living room to find Laddie. Tej had been helping the boy learn some stuff before he went to school. Evette had given them the excuse that her family made Laddie do homeschooling, but that wasn't the complete truth. She taught him what she could, and so did Dwayne, but they could only teach him so much. Tej was able to teach him a little more that he didn't know that he'd need to know for school.

Mia and Letty had been helping Evette teach Laddie when they could, but even they didn't know some of the things Tej knew. Tej was actually very smart in math and history, which were two subjects not everyone excelled in. Evette knew language arts the best, Laddie knew science, and Mia was able to help Laddie with his reading and comprehension.

"Are you going to still have him homeschooled, or are you sending him to a real school?" Roman asked, causing the girl to shrug.

"I want to send him to real school, but he really doesn't trust many people. I'm thinking that homeschooling him might be the best option." Evette replied, and Roman nodded.

"Well, you know we'll all help him with his homework." Brian said, making Evette smile.

"Maybe you can get him into online classes instead of homeschooling him, since there's some things we don't know too well." Mia commented, causing Evette to bite her lip.

"You think they'll let me sign him up for that?" Evette asked, and Mia nodded.

"Yeah, it should be just like signing him up for regular school, just with a little more paperwork." Mia replied, making Evette nod slightly.

That's what she would do. She would sign him up for online school, where he'd learn more, and be able to still be at home. It would workout, and that's all that mattered to Evette...

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