Chapter Seven

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Laddie started online school six weeks ago, and he was doing amazing. He was actually ahead of some of the other students, and that made Evette very proud of him. She couldn't believe that her little boy was so smart and succeeding so well. She had been worried that all his traumatic experiences would've messed with his success rate in school, but she was happily proven wrong.

Over those six weeks, Evette and Laddie became family to the Toretto clan. This meant that they would tell Evette things that they wouldn't normally tell people. They told her about their street racing, their illegal work, and some of the deals they had made in the past. They also told her about Han, a man who wasn't around all the time, but he was always there when they needed him.

Tej and Roman had practically moved in with the Torettos, but the family didn't seem to mind. Some nights the girls would come over to Evette's house, and they'd spend the night drinking and doing whatever they wanted to do. On those nights, Laddie would hang out with the guys at the Toretto house. Most of the time he could be found eating snacks or playing video games.

Every day that Laddie and Evette went over to the Toretto home for dinner or whatever, or everyone came to Evette's, Tej would find a reason to talk to her. He really enjoyed her company, and she seemed to really enjoy his. When they were together, it was like two peas in a pod, and everyone around them could see the chemistry that was brewing between them.

Finally though, after weeks of simply talking and hanging out, Tej worked up the courage to ask Evette to go on a date with him. Mia had agreed to watching over Laddie for the night, while Evette went out with Tej. Mia had even gone as far as helping Evette pick out her outfit for the date.

Once Evette was ready, she met Tej at the door, and he lead her out to his car

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Once Evette was ready, she met Tej at the door, and he lead her out to his car. Like Brian's car, Tej's car was fast and beautiful. Evette couldn't wait for the boys to finish her car, since Laddie was helping them work on it.

"Where are we going first?" Evette asked, looking over at Tej.

"I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat, then go to the movies. I know a new Marvel movie is out, and you really like them." He replied, making her smile.

"You remember that?" She questioned,"I only told you once, and it was just a mention of it." She commented, and he laughed.

"I listen when you speak, Evie," He answered,"and I remember the most important things." He added, looking over and sending her a wink.

Tej had decided to bring her to a small diner that served some good food. He and Brian had tried out the diner earlier that week, to make sure it was good enough to bring Evette there on a date. Tej only wanted the best for Evette, and Brian gladly obliged to helping him.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" A waiter asked, as he walked over to their table.

"I'll have a strawberry kiwi tea." Evette replied, giving the man a polite smile.

"I'll have a coke." Tej added, and the waiter walked away.

The two looked over the menu as they waited for their drinks. By the time their drinks arrived, they were ready to order their food. Tej ordered a burger and fries, and Evette ordered chicken strips and macaroni and cheese.

"I know it's childish, but I ate this for a while because of Laddie, and I can't seem to break the habit." Evette commented, as she took a bite of her food.

"No judgement here," Tej replied,"I've been eating this since I was a kid, and I haven't changed yet." He added, as he motioned to his meal of choice.

After they ate, Tej paid for the food, then they headed to the theater. Tej bought a large popcorn for them to share, and two drinks. Evette had wanted an ICEE, but Tej wanted a regular coke. He didn't mind buying two drinks, besides he doubted Evette was willing to share a drink on the first date. He didn't want to push his luck too much, since he truly liked the girl.

Evette absolutely loved the movie that Tej had brought her to see. She and Tej actually discussed the movie and how it tied into other MCU movies. Being able to talk nerd with someone was truly relaxing. She hadn't been able to talk like that with anyone, since both her brothers hated the things she was interested in.

Tej often talked nerdy when it came to cars and electronics and such, but he was really nerdy about super heroes as well. Evette knew she had picked the perfect person to agree to going on a date with. Truth be told, a few guys had asked her out since she had moved into town, but none of them were attractive or even remotely worth her time. Tej was different though, and she liked that about him.

When he brought her home, he walked her to her door, and she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He was such a sweetheart, and she really liked spending time with him.

"I had a great time tonight." Tej commented, causing the girl to grin.

"I did, too. We should do this again sometime." She replied, and he agreed immediately.

After Tej left, once Evette was inside, Evette headed upstairs to her room. Mia had been asleep on her bed, but she didn't mind. She simply grabbed her pajamas, went to her bathroom and changed, before going back to her room and crawling into bed with Mia. It was hard for her to fall asleep that night because of all the excitement and happiness she was feeling, but eventually she was able to fall into a peaceful sleep...

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