Chapter Eleven

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Feeling accepted was not something Evette had been used to, but now, it was different. The Toretto team accepted her and Laddie as family, and two months later, it still hadn't changed. They still loved Laddie and Evette, and that made the woman very happy. They were finally truly family to someone.

Just because they had a new family, didn't make seeing their old family any easier. The time when they seen their old family, that was something that felt like it ripped their hearts out. The day would forever be etched into Evette's brain, since it seemed to feel almost traumatizing.

Evette, Tej, and Laddie had went out for a "family" day. Tej had been setting them up once a week, so Laddie could feel more included with them. Laddie felt included, but Tej wanted him to feel the love and connection he deserved.

Anyhow, they were out grabbing food from a diner, when Michael and Star walked into the diner. Laddie had been the one to spot them first, and he grabbed Tej's arm in a death grip. Tej's eyes widened at the boy, and he wondered what had scared him.

"Mom," Laddie murmured,"They're here." He whimpered, pointing to Michael and Star.

Evette looked up and seen them almost immediately after Laddie had pointed to them. Tej had never seen Evette look so angry in the entire time he knew her, and to be honest, seeing her like that almost scared him. Before he could say anything to her though, the two people she was glaring at turned and came towards them.

"Hey, Evette," Star said,"It's been a while. How have you guys been?" She asked, giving her a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Evette asked, glaring at the woman.

"We're your family, Evette," Michael commented,"I don't see why you're still so horrible to us." He mused, causing Evette to glare at him.

"You are not my family. You are horrible people. I warned you that if any of you came around Laddie and I, I would kill you. If you don't get in your stupid car and leave, I will kick your ass in front of everyone in this diner." Evette snapped, making the man glare at her.

"Evette Emerson, we have done everything for you. We saved you, and this is how you repay us?!" He exclaimed,"We did everything for you! You're such an ungrateful bitch!"

"Hey!" Tej snapped,"You better back off, man, or I'll be the one kicking your ass."

"Oh, so now you've got a new man?" Star questioned,"I guess Dwayne didn't really mean anything to you, or are you just a whore?"

"Get the fuck outta here!" Tej yelled,"If I ever hear you say shit to my girl again, I'll kick your ass. Don't let me ever see either of you, or you'll wish you were never born. You leave my girl and my kid alone." He snarled, and that was the end of it.

Tej grabbed Laddie and Evette's hands, before bringing them to his car. He was fuming, and he wanted to get them as far away from those two terrible people as fast as he could. Tej hated them, and he had only just met them. He realized quickly why Evette said she hated her family.

"I'm gonna tell Dom to keep an eye out for them," Tej said,"if he sees them, he'll take care of them." He added, and Evette simply nodded.

Evette was pissed because of Michael and Star. She didn't understand why they had shown up out of nowhere. She didn't know why they were in town, since she told them to never even be around her. She had a feeling that they had found her on purpose. She believed that they were most likely going to try and manipulate her into coming home with them to protect Laddie or something, but with Tej there, it was absolutely not going to happen. 

Tej was going to protect his family. He was going to make sure that nothing happened to them. If that meant he had to kick some ass, than he was more than happy to do so. He knew Dom and Brian would have his back, and so would Roman if it came down to it. There was no way anyone was going to bother his family.

Later that night, Evette put Laddie to bed, before she sat down in the living room to talk with Tej, Dom, and Brian. They wanted to know everything they needed to know about the people Evette had left behind. Tej already explained that they were all bad people, but they needed to know details.

"Michael and Sam are my brothers, or were, I don't class them as family anymore," Evette sighed,"my mother is Lucy, but she stood up for Michael, instead of me, and I was heartbroken. Star, the lady that was with Michael today, she's the reason Laddie and I ran away." Evette said, frowning to herself.

"What happened?" Brian asked, causing Evette to bite her lip.

"You guys won't believe me, but what I tell you is true," Evette commented,"Michael, Star, Laddie, and I were approached by these guys; all at different times. Michael and I were the last two they approached. The guys were vampires, and we were turned into half vampires, we just never drank blood to complete the transition. With that being said, to cure them, the head vampire would have to be killed. Michael killed the head vampire, but only after killing the other four, which included my boyfriend, Dwayne."

"Vampires?" Dom questioned, really feeling skeptical.

"I know it sounds nuts," She shook her head,"but it was true. You can find their missing person posters around, and you can find all the people that went missing once they had been turned. Michael killed them for Star, even though I was Dwayne's mate, and he knew it'd hurt me when he killed Dwayne," She smiled slightly,"I was given a second chance with Tej, and I'm not letting them take it away." She stated, and the guys seemed to relax.

They believed her, and that's all she could ask...

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