Chapter Twelve

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*Time Skip - Two Months Later*

A bit of time had passed, and Evette hadn't seen Michael or Star since the encounter at the diner. She didn't know that Dom, Tej, Brian, and Letty had tracked them down. She also didn't know that they had warned the couple to stay away from Evette and Laddie, otherwise they'd have an entire family after them.

Michael and Star had ran off with their tails between their legs, knowing they wouldn't be able to force Evette and Laddie back with them. The couple had wanted to make them come back, since they were planning to use them for something. Obviously, they didn't tell anyone, but anyone could see that they were trying to use them for their own reasons.

Evette had been on high alert for a long time, worried she would see them again. She didn't want them trying to take Laddie from her, or make them both go back to a family that didn't care for them. The family was horrible, and Evette never wanted to see them again.

Once Evette had figured out that Michael and Star were gone, she wasn't so worried about herself and Laddie. They were gone, meaning she and Laddie were safe. The woman didn't have to be scared for herself or Laddie anymore, and that's what mattered most to her.

Anyhow, a few days later, Evette sent Laddie out with Tej for the day. Laddie's birthday was coming up, so she wanted to get everything ready while Tej had him occupied. Tej would be able to keep him busy while Evette worked.

Mia had decided to help Evette get the stuff ready for a party. The boy had never had a birthday party before, and Evette wanted to make sure he got a good one for his first birthday party. It was sad to her that the boy hadn't had a birthday party before, but she didn't try and talk to him about it, since she didn't want to bother him or bring up bad memories.

Anyhow, a few hours later, Tej and Laddie came back, but they were followed by a truck. Evette was confused, and she had no idea who could've been following them. She and Mia went back to the Toretto home, and seen Dom coming out with Letty.

A man and a couple agents stepped out of the truck that had followed Tej and Laddie. Tej had Laddie close to him, though he seemed to know the dude in the truck a little bit. He didn't know him well, but he recognized him a little.

"Dominic Toretto," The man greeted,"I'm Mr. Nobody, and I have a feeling you and I will want to work together." The man said, before everything seemed to go in slow motion.

Mr. Nobody explained that he needed Dom and the team for something, and in doing so, he would be helping the team with something they needed. Evette didn't know much about it, but she did know that if Dom needed her, she would be there.

"Mia will be staying here with Laddie." Brian told Evette, causing the woman to frown.

"What about me?" She asked, and he smiled.

"You're a part of our team, Evie. You'll be coming with us," He said,"and you would want her to stay with Laddie anyway, because she-uh-she's pregnant."

"Oh!" Evette gasped,"Are you serious?!" And Brian nodded,"Congratulations!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Brian tightly.

"Thank you," Brian replied,"now, go pack a bag, we've got to get moving." He said, and she nodded.

Evette ran upstairs to her room and packed herself a bag with a few changes of clothes. She then came back downstairs, and Brian took her bag from her. She thanked him, as he placed the bag in the back of one of the SUVs that Mr. Nobody called for.

Evette sat next to Tej, and Brian sat in the passenger side front seat. Letty and Dom were in the other SUV, and that SUV would pick up Roman along the way. While in the SUV, Evette, Tej, and Brian talked. They didn't talk about anything particular, just normal every day things.

"What did you and Laddie do today?" Brian asked, looking back to Tej.

"We went bowling," Tej replied,"that's what he said he wanted to do, so I decided to bring him." He voiced, and Evette smiled.

"Did you guys have fun?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, we did," Tej chuckled nervously,"He-uh-he called me Dad today." He said, causing Evette's eyes to go wide.

"He did?" She questioned,"Did he say anything else? How'd he say it?"

"Well, we were just messing around, and he told me that he loved me, and hoped that I would stay his dad forever. I told him that I didn't know if I could be called his dad, and he said that he loved me, and that if he loved me, then I'm Dad." He replied, and Evette smiled to herself.

"How did it make you feel? Being called Dad?" Brian asked, and Tej smiled.

"Man, it was the best feeling I've had in my life." Tej said, a smile staying etched on his face.

Evette had been worried that Tej would run off on Laddie after Laddie called him Dad. It seemed Tej had other ideas though, and that made Evette extremely happy. She knew now that Tej was truly a man of his word, and he wouldn't leave them for anything, especially something so small.

He loved them, and that's all that mattered. He didn't mind being called a dad, he loved being a dad. He seemed to want to be a dad, and when people asked him about Laddie, he always said he was "my son," when he answered their questions. Tej was a man made just for them, and Evette couldn't love any man more. He really was their saving grace, and she hoped to have him forever...

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