Chapter Four

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Brian had talked to Dom, but Dom really wasn't sure how they could help. He didn't know how trustworthy the woman really was. He wanted to help, since she was a single mother and needed it, but he was also worried about his own family. So, his idea was to have Brian bring her to one of their races, and see how well she got along with people.

When Brian came over to Evette's house and told her that he was taking her somewhere for the night, she was hesitant. Mia had offered to watch over Laddie, which Evette was thankful for. She didn't want to leave her son at home alone. Laddie was very smart, but he still didn't know certain things because of his time in the cave with the guys.

Mia had come over an hour early to help Evette pick out an outfit. Evette really didn't have much to choose from, so Mia ended up going out to the store to buy clothes. She then picked the outfit Evette was to wear for the night, and everything went from there.

"Don't you think I'm showing a bit too much skin?" Evette questioned, as she brushed through her hair

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"Don't you think I'm showing a bit too much skin?" Evette questioned, as she brushed through her hair.

"No, it's perfect. I'm telling that with what you're wearing, you'll fit in." Mia replied, and Evette nodded nervously.

Evette met Brian outside, and she was surprised when she was lead to his car. His car was definitely different from her own, but she really liked it. Brian complimented her on her clothes, and also told her that she would fit in if she let herself fit it. He told her to not be so nervous, which was easier said than done.

When Evette and Brian arrived at the place where there was a lot of people, Evette became very curious. There were a lot of cars that looked like Brian's, mostly in the decorated and expensive way. Brian wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her over to the side where his friends were.

"Evie," Brian began,"meet Dom and Letty, they live next door with Mia and I. Dom Letty, this is Evie." He said, giving his best smile to all of them.

"You know anything about racing, girl?" Letty asked, staring at Evette over her sunglasses.

"I don't race, well, other than on a motorcycle a couple of times." Evette replied, causing Letty to lift an eyebrow.

"Did racing the bike scare you?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"No, it just wasn't mine, so I only used it twice." Evette answered, and that was the end of the discussion.

"Yo, Brian," Dom called over the crowd,"Wanna show her how it's done?" He asked, motioning to the cars.

Brian quickly agreed, and he and Dom put money in for the race. Most of the time, racers raced solo, but this time, Brian was going to let her sit in the car with him. It wasn't the safest idea, but he wanted her to see their life, and Dom wanted to see if she was easily frightened or scared off by things like this. He also wanted to see if she was trustworthy, or if she would snitch about the races.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Evette asked, as she buckled her seat belt.

"I've got you." Brian replied, giving her a signature smile.

"Just asking." She murmured, smiling back.

The moment that he started racing, he could hear the laugh that escaped Evette's mouth. She whooped and clapped, and she was having fun. She didn't look like the stressed single mother she normally was, instead she was having fun and enjoying herself. It wasn't normal for her, but she didn't care.

When the race ended, she and Brian stepped out of the car. She had a huge smile plastered on her face. Brian laughed, walked over to her, and wrapped her in a hug. She definitely was different than he seen her most of the time, but a good different, and he was glad that he brought her along.

"Had fun?" Brian asked, and she nodded.

"That was so much fun!" She exclaimed, letting out another laugh.

Dom and Letty soon joined them, and they were honestly happy to see a smile on Evette's face. She had fun, which meant she was definitely not a problem to be around. The only next thing was for them to see if she was a snitch, but based on what Brian had told them about her, they were almost positive she wasn't a snitch.

"Wanna drive?" Brian asked, making Evette laugh nervously.

"I think I should wait until I have a little practice. I don't want to mess up your car. It's too beautiful to let me drive it yet." She replied, causing him to laugh again.

"I'll teach you. You can work with us, and we'll show the ropes." Brian commented, and she smiled.

"Are you for real?" She asked, causing him to nod.

"Yeah, we could use another girl on the team." Letty voiced, showing Evette that she was accepting her.

Evette smiled once again, and she felt free in that moment. She hadn't felt that way since Dwayne was alive, and her brothers were to blame for that. They had killed Dwayne, and didn't care how it would effect her. They didn't seem to give a damn about her, as long as they got what they wanted.

With Brian, Dom, and Letty, Evette felt accepted and more normal. She didn't feel like an outsider, even though for a bit she really was. They seemed to accept her so easily, and they seemed accepting of her son as well. She had never been accepted so easily in her life, other than when she was with Dwayne. She was finally feeling happy again, and she wanted it to stay that way. Truth be told, she was worried that her brothers and Star would come and ruin it. She hadn't seen them since she left, but that didn't mean it was going to stay that way forever...

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