Chapter Eight

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Days had passed since the date, and Tej and Evette talked on a daily. They didn't have another date anytime soon, but they were happy just talking. It was hard to get date nights when she had a little boy at home that she worried about. She was worried that one day someone would come and try to take him from her; especially Star.

To be honest, if Star came back, she would probably hurt the girl. She wouldn't dare say she'd kill the woman, but there was a good chance severe injury would take place for the woman. She didn't give a damn about Star, and she could care less if something happened to the woman.

While Evette was cleaning, she heard a knock on her door. The Toretto group would often knock, before they opened the door and let themselves inside. So, Evette wasn't surprised when she heard the door open and close a moment later. She heard footsteps, before a hand was placed on her waist, and a kiss was pressed to her cheek.

"Hey," She greeted,"I was expecting to see you today." She commented, as she looked up at Tej.

Tej wasn't much taller than her, only a few inches or so. The top of her head could fit perfectly under his chin, without him having to pick his chin up. It was like they were meant to be in each other's arms, since they fit so well together.

"Sorry," He murmured,"Dom's been going over plans. I gotta go with them for a little bit to take care of some shit." He said, making her frown.

"You guys going on a mission of sorts?" She asked, wanting a little more information.

"Yeah, you could say that," He replied,"Don't worry though, we'll be back real soon. Mia said she'll stay here with you. Nobody wants you and Laddie alone for a long time, and we don't know the exact time we'll be gone." He informed, causing her to sigh.

"Please be careful. Laddie and I don't want anything to happen to any of you guys." She said, and he smiled.

"I promise, we'll be fine." He answered, kissing her cheek once more.

A couple minutes later, Mia knocked on the front door and let herself in. She was carrying a bag full of clothes for her to wear while she was at Evette's. About the time she arrived, Laddie came running down the stairs after taking his shower. Tej sighed when he seen Mia, since he knew that meant it was time for him to go back to the Toretto house.

Laddie ran over to him and wrapped his arms around Tej's waist. Tej ruffled the boy's hair, before he promised to come back soon. He then walked out of the front door and headed back to the Toretto home. Brian frowned when he seen the frown on Tej's face. He knew Tej just wanted to stay with Evette and Laddie, but they needed to handle this, and they needed Tej, otherwise they would've let him stay.

"You'll see 'em again soon, man." Brian commented, as Tej walked closer.

"I don't get it," Tej murmured,"I've never been this attached to a woman, especially one with a kid." He said, making Brian chuckle.

"You're falling in love with her, man," Brian replied,"soon you won't even want to leave her house when you gotta go home to get some sleep." He added, causing his friend to groan.

"Is this all moving too fast?" He asked, looking over at Brian.

"Nah," Brian shook his head,"you guys are moving at your own pace. There's never a set time things are supposed to happen. You can progress in your relationship at any rate that is comfortable for both of you, rather people agree with it or not." He said, and Tej nodded.

"Let's move!" Dom exclaimed, as he came out of the house.

"We better be back in a week, Tej might not be alive if we take any longer," Roman commented,"the separation anxiety is immense." He added, laughing at his own words.

"Shut up, jackass." Tej retorted, as he climbed into his own car.

"Don't let Rome get to you, Tej, he couldn't get a woman even if he was a millionaire." Letty commented, causing Roman to scoff.

"You funny," He grumbled,"and I hope you know, I'm fly as hell." He added, as his friends simply laughed at him.

"Don't you worry about your girl and the kid," Dom intervened,"Mia's with them, and she loves those two and would protect them with her life." He stated, making some of the weight lift off of Tej's shoulders.

Tej trusted Mia, and he knew she would protect Evette and Laddie, but he wanted to be the one to protect them. He had to pretend like he wasn't bothered by leaving, and like he wasn't internally battling himself with calling Evette. He wanted to call her and see how she and Laddie were doing, and he hadn't even been gone for an hour.

If this was how their relationship was going to work, he didn't know how he was going to handle it. He never had to worry about anyone but himself for the longest time, then he became a part of the Toretto family and he became a part of a team, but this was different. He never cared for a girl and child so much in his life.

She was beautiful, smart, and caring. He knew she was strong, but he couldn't help but worry as he left her. He just wanted her and Laddie to be safe. They meant more than anything to him, and technically he and Evette weren't even officially together yet. They were talking and had went on one date, but no label was created. He wondered if she even wanted to label what they were, but he didn't have the balls to ask. He just hoped that he'd chose the right option when it came to the relationship...

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