Chapter Ten

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*Time Skip - A Few Months*

Evette still practiced with Brian a lot when it came to racing. Tej sometimes helped her as well, but he didn't race as much as Brian and the others did. To be honest, Evette raced more with her best friend than her boyfriend, but that was fine, Tej liked to teach her other things more, like computers and such. 

Over time, Evette did learn quite a bit about computers, but her knowledge was nowhere near as good as Tej's. Evette actually seemed to know more about cars than she did computers, which was oddly funny. Laddie was learning quite a bit about cars and computers, too, and he was really good at it.

Evette had been helping Laddie with his homework sometimes when he did his online classes. He wasn't great at it all the time, but neither was Evette. She really just coasted through school when she had been in school, so she never really tried to hard with her grades. It was biting her in the ass now, since she wasn't always that great at explaining things to Laddie when he was learning something new.

Luckily, Tej was able to help him with a lot of stuff, and whatever he didn't know, Mia knew and she would be able to help. Brian had been busy with Dom lately, since they were really trying to finish working on Evette's car. They wanted her to be able to use it at the next real race, but it was proving difficult.

Evette's car was kind of old, but not in a classic car sort of way. Her car was literally just an older car that wasn't in the best shape. A few times Brian and Dom almost gave up and decided to just find her a new car, but they were determined to make this one work. After a bit of time though, it started looking like it was really going to come together how they wanted.

Over the last few months, Tej and Evette went on a few more dates. Most of them were laid back and fun, but a couple of them he tried to make fancy. Evette wasn't into fancy things and shiny jewelry that costed a fortune. She accepted them when Tej gave them to her, but she didn't ask for them or expect them when they went out.

She had actually told him that she'd rather just stay in and watch a movie and order pizza for a date, instead of going to an expensive fancy restaurant and then going out to do other fancy things. Tej actually seemed to sigh in relief when he learned that, since that meant he wouldn't have to pay a fortune to make her happy.

Evette was the type of girl that most men would want when it came to dates. She didn't mind going to see a race and eating a burger, or staying home and working on a new program while eating Chinese food. Knowing this, Tej felt lucky to have such a perfect girl like her, when he knew most of the other girls he use to go for, were boujee and money hungry.

The woman was also good at holding a conversation, and there wasn't any awkward silences. She could talk about almost anything, and when she didn't know something, she would ask Tej to tell her about it and explain it to her. His intelligence really interested Evette, since most people she knew weren't very bright. Tej was a lot smarter than her family, that was for sure.

Anyhow, after months of working on the car, Dom and Brian finally finished it up. They had it looking brand new, and all Evette had to do was bring it to a shop to get it painted. Since the guys had done all the work, she gave them the money, and let them get it painted how they wanted it to look. She didn't mind, she was just happy she was getting such a kick ass car.

A week after the car was painted, races were announced and Evette was nervous. Brian and Tej hyped her up, as did Mia, before Evette had left of course. Mia had agreed to watching over Laddie for the night, they wanted to wait until Evette's second or third race before Laddie came. Anyhow, Dom and Letty were hyping her a little, but they wanted her to feel like a real racer on her own, without needing all the hype.

Evette was put in a race against three other people, and two out of the three of them were more experienced than her. She didn't let that get to her though, since she had some of the best teachers around. So, when the race started, she was in her zone. She passed all three of them in seconds, and by the end of the race, she didn't even register the fact that she had been nervous.

The girl had actually managed to win her first race, and that put her on cloud nine. When she had the money for the race placed in her hand, she couldn't stop the big smile that appeared. She was going to have the chance to treat Laddie, and that's what mattered to her most. Laddie was going to be well taken care of, she was sure of it.

"Welcome to the team, girl." Letty said, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulder.

"Yeah, welcome to the family, Evie." Dom commented, and the girl's smile grew.

She was officially a part of the Toretto team, and they seen her as family. She had never felt like this before, but she was happier than she had ever been. Dom, Letty, Mia, Brian, Roman, and Tej were her family, and she was very grateful for them. She hoped she would have them forever, and she promised herself that she'd never let them down and never disappoint them the way her own family disappointed her...

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