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*Time Skip - One Year and Three Months*

Tej and Evette married exactly one month ago. The week after their wedding, Evette was able to get the papers for Tej to adopt Laddie as his own. Honestly, the moment Tej signed the papers, he and Evette had cried. It had been one of the happiest moments in their lives.

A few months before they married, Mia gave birth to her and Brian's child. Their child was a boy, and he was named Jack. He was absolutely adorable, and everyone in the family loved him. Mia and Brian had actually asked Evette to be Jack's Godmother, and she couldn't even think about refusing.

Since Evette had nothing to do with her family, Dom was the one to walk Evette down the isle. It would've been Brian, but Brian was the best man, and Mia was the maid of honor. Honestly, the ceremony was beautiful, and they had invited everyone they knew.

At the wedding, Evette was able to meet Han and his girlfriend, Giselle. She also met a woman named Ramsey that Evette couldn't help but think she and Roman would be perfect together. The girl liked to tease Roman, and Roman seemed smitten by the girl. It was almost like a match made in heaven, but not.

Two weeks after the wedding, Evette learned that she was pregnant. She was going to have twins, which Brian and Roman thought was hilarious. They teased her and Tej for hours, until Mia scolded them and made them be quiet. She had used her mom voice, and everyone knew she meant business when she used that voice.

Evette had refused to invite any of her family to the wedding. She didn't want to see her mother, her brothers, or anyone else from Santa Carla. She wanted to leave it all behind her, and that's exactly what she did. They were in the past, and that's where they were going to stay.

Her mother had tried to reach out to her a couple of times, but Evette never answered back. She was still pissed that the woman had taken Michael's side. Michael had killed Dwayne, and even though Evette was over Dwayne, she was mad that her mother never cared to worry about her.

Lucy Emerson only cared for her sons, at least, that's the way Evette seen it. She didn't believe anything else, and that was just how it was going to be. Nobody would be able to change her mind, and she would continually hate the people for the rest of her life.

Hell, she had even thought about asking Mr. Nobody to take her name out of the Emerson family for good, but she didn't want to deal with that. She knew it would cause backlash, and that was something she didn't have time for. They were in the past for a reason, and she didn't want them coming back around.

Laddie was getting smarter by the day, which Evette was very happy to see. He wasn't missing Dwayne and the guys much anymore, and he seemed to always be attached to Tej's hip, or one of the other guys if they were working outside. Laddie loved cars, and he hoped that one day he'd have a car as cool as Dom's. When Brian heard that, it really made Dom laugh.

Brian and Evette were still best friends, more like siblings. They hung out as much as possible, and some nights he'd simply stay at her house to get away from the craziness at home. Mia didn't mind, even though she believed Brian could deal with their son's mood swings, too.

When Mia and Brian needed a break, Evette would offer to watch over Jack. Evette wasn't too experienced when it came to babies, but she needed practice anyway, so she did what she could to help. Tej loved seeing a baby in her arms, so he was becoming excited for when their babies would eventually be born.

Laddie was excited to be a big brother. He wanted someone to play with him, but he also wanted someone he could care about like David did for his brothers. It was cute, honestly, and Evette and Tej hoped he kept that excitement. They had feared that Laddie would be jealous of the babies, but he didn't mind at all.

All in all, their lives were turning out just the way they were supposed to, even counting in the random missions and races that popped up. Their lives were never dull or boring, that's for sure. Everything was just the way it needed to be, and even though it started off rough, everything seemed to change for the better...


A/N: Hey guys! So this book was shorter than I had anticipated, but I hope you guys liked it! I really tried to incorporate as much original idea as possible, and I hoped it worked the way I wanted it to.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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