Chapter Nine

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A week passed before Tej and the others came back. When they came back, there were cuts and bruises littering their bodies. Evette was so worried about them, and when she seen them, her heart skipped a beat, especially after seeing their condition. That night, she invited them over for dinner, and she and Mia spent the night cleaning them up, and making sure they didn't need any stitches.

Evette ended up grabbing an air mattress from her closet, so Roman and Tej could stay over. They were exhausted, and she wanted to watch over them. Mia would watch over Brian, Dom, and Letty to make sure they were fine throughout the night. Evette knew they were grown men, but that didn't stop her from worrying about them.

A few days after they had come back from their mission, Roman decided to head out. He claimed he had somewhere else to be, and Evette didn't ask any questions. She knew he'd come back eventually, and she also knew they'd call him if they needed him before he planned to come back. For all she knew, he simply wanted to have time alone away from everyone.

Tej had gone back to staying with the Toretto family, even though he didn't want to. It wasn't that he didn't like them or anything, it was simply because he wanted to stay with Evette and Laddie. They were his family, even if they hadn't made it official yet.

Tej had finally worked up the courage to ask Evette to go on another date with him. He was excited, and so was she. The girl had even spent an hour picking out her own outfit, and she had allowed Laddie to stay over at the Toretto house for the night. He never really got to have sleepovers, so to have a chance to do so with his "aunts" and "uncles" made him happy.

Mia, Brian, Dom, and Letty classed themselves as his aunts and uncles, which made Evette happy. She didn't believe her son would ever get the chance to have that kind of family, but here he was given a chance and she couldn't be more grateful. She wasn't going to let anyone or anything take that away from him either.

Anyhow, the girl brought Laddie over to the Toretto house an hour before the date. She then headed back to her house to get dressed and ready for the date. It took almost the entire hour for her to get ready, but she was happy with the way she looked in her outfit.

Tej lead her out to his car like the last time, and he took her to the same diner

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Tej lead her out to his car like the last time, and he took her to the same diner. They ordered the same food, but this time they ordered milkshakes. He believed it made the evening more special, and she loved milkshakes, so she definitely wasn't going to argue.

"We should take Laddie out for milkshakes one day soon." Evette told Tej, and the man happily agreed.

"I can take him one day, and you and Mia can go have a girls' day." He suggested, making her smile.

"I think he'd love that. He really likes you, Tej." She replied, causing a smile to appear on the man's lips as well.

"I really like him, too. He's a great kid." He complimented, and the girl laughed.

"Only when he wants to be." She joked, making him laugh as well.

After dinner, Tej surprised Evette with tickets to a concert. It was a small group that were performing at a low budget arena, but it was still something Evette loved. The group was really good, and Evette hoped that they would become huge one day, like Bone Thugs N Harmony, D12, and Hollywood Undead.

Evette bought herself and Tej shirts to commemorate the event. Tej bought an extra one and had actually been able to get the entire band to sign the shirt. Evette made a mental note to get a frame to put the shirt into to keep it safe forever.

After the concert, Evette and Tej went back to Evette's house. Evette invited Tej into the house, and he gladly accepted. Tej sat down on the couch, as Evette went upstairs and changed into pajamas. She was tired of wearing jeans, so she figured changing wouldn't cause a problem.

Once Evette had come back downstairs, she sat next to Tej, and the two talked for a bit

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Once Evette had come back downstairs, she sat next to Tej, and the two talked for a bit. Tej told her about what had happened while they were gone, and he was able to explain why he and everyone else were beat up. He claimed it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the other people looked.

"I was seriously worried about you guys. I thought that Laddie and I were going to lose you." Evette said, causing Tej to smirk.

"Don't worry, baby, you guys will never lose me." He replied, pulling her close to him.

"I'm embarrassed to admit it," She sighed,"but I was close to asking you to stay, even if Dom needed you." She admitted, making him grin.

"I wanted to do the same thing," He murmured,"Honestly, I wanna be with you all the time, where you are. I wanna be with you, baby." He said, making her heart skip a beat.

"You mean...?" She trailed off, looking up at him through her lashes.

"Yeah," He answered,"I wanna be with you, baby, if you'll have me; you and Laddie." He commented, making her bite her lip.

"Of course I want to be with you, Tej," She replied,"Laddie and I will always want you around. You and Laddie are my everything." She said, and he smiled.

Leaning forward, Tej placed his lips on her. He could finally call her his girl. She was his, and he was never going to let her go. He was going to take care of her and Laddie, and he was going to keep them with him forever. They were his family, and he wouldn't give them up for the world...

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