Chapter Five

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A week passed, before Brian was able to give Evette her first lesson in using a racing car. Mia thought it was hilarious, especially when Evette had managed to actually scare Brian a bit with her driving. After she got use to the brakes when using the fast car, he didn't feel like he was going to die so easily.

Brian and Mia taught her bit, before Letty had decided to step up and give it a go with teaching. Surprisingly, Evette learned just a little bit better with Letty than she did with Brian. Letty teased Brian about it, too, claiming herself as the best teacher of racing cars.

After about a month of training, Dom decided it'd be best to have Evette try to race them. Letty let her use her car, so she was going against Brian and Dom. Both men were very experienced racers, so Evette wasn't going to win, but she would learn a thing or two from them.

"No granny shifting, Evie!" Dom called from his car, before the race began.

He had messed with her for that after her first lesson with Brian. Brian had flipped him off for it, and everyone thought it was hilarious. While Evette was racing with Brian and Dom, Laddie stayed with Letty and Mia. Laddie had grown closer with the family, but he was still very hesitant about them. The last people they had trusted hurt them, and he was scared that would happen again.

Anyhow, after the race, where Evette did lose, but she was close to passing Brian, the group headed back to the Toretto house. Mia and Evette were going to work together to make dinner, Letty was going to somewhat help, but she'd be more of a taste tester than anything. Brian and Dom were going to work outside, and Laddie was going to try and help them.

"You should let us work on your car. A real racer needs a race car." Brian commented, as he and Dom grabbed a beer.

"Go ahead," Evette replied,"here's the keys." She added, as she tossed Brian the keys.

"See Laddie, your mom is easily tricked into handing over her car." Brian joked, causing the little boy to laugh.

"You be careful, and listen to everything they say." Evette told her little boy, and he nodded.

"Don't worry, Evie, we got him." Dom replied, giving the woman a smile.

"Oh, ladies, Tej is coming over," Brian announced,"He should be here by the time dinner is ready." He added, and the girls nodded in reply.

"Who's Tej?" Evette asked, once the guys had went outside to work on cars.

"He's a friend of Brian's, but he's became a friend of ours a couple years ago." Mia replied, and Letty nodded in agreement.

"He knows cars like us. He hosts more races than he participates in." Letty commented, as she grabbed a bell pepper slice from the bowl.

Evette had offered to make pepper steak for dinner, and Mia agreed to help her get all of the ingredients ready. She had to cook the steak first, as Mia made the sauce according to Evette's instructions. Once the steak was cooked, the sauce was made, and the vegetables were all cut up, Evette mixed everything into the slow cooker.

About fifteen minutes after Evette put everything in the slow cooker, Brian walked in with his friend. His friend had his hair braided, and he wore baggy clothes. He looked like a normal guy, like one of those celebrities that make music.

"Evie, this is Tej Parker," Brian motioned to his friend,"Tej, this is Evie Emerson. You met her kid outside." He added, as he motioned towards Evette.

"He still outside with Dom?" Evette asked, and Brian nodded.

"I think Dom might be his favorite person." Brian joked, causing Evette to laugh.

"Food smells good." Tej complimented, and Evette smiled.

"I'm making pepper steak," Evette replied,"and the girls are helping me." She added, giving them some credit.

"Smells great," Brian said,"I'm going to just reach over here and--" Evette smacked his hand before he could reach the cooker to try the food.

"If Dom and Laddie can't try it, you can't either. Get your lazy ass back outside." She scolded playfully, and Tej laughed.

"Sorry, Mother." Brian retorted, turning and walking out the door.

"Well, I guess I should get my lazy ass outside, too." Tej commented, making Evette shake her head.

"I was just playing, you can stay in if you want to." She said, and he simply laughed.

"It's all good," He answered,"Ima head out and hang with the boys. Gotta see Lil' Man show up Brian." He added, before heading out the house.

"Oh, you totally like him!" Mia exclaimed, poking Evette's side.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Evette retorted, shrugging as if she was oblivious to everything.

"Whatever you say, girl," Letty replied,"but we see you."

Evette's cheeks turned pink, but she played it off. She turned to the slow cooker and stirred the contents inside. She then began to make rice to go with the dinner. Laddie wasn't a big fan of rice, so she didn't make him any.

"You girls want rice?" Evette asked, as she poured rice into the boiling water.

"Yeah." Letty answered, and Mia simply nodded in agreement.

Mia and Letty watched as Evette finished making all of the food. They then watched as she grabbed bowls and filled them with rice and steak. The girls had asked her if she wanted their help, but she told them that she wanted to do it all herself.

Once everything was ready, Mia and Letty helped her put everything on the table. Letty stuck her head out the door and whistled to get the guys' attention. The guys headed inside and sat in their designated seats, and Mia handed out beers and sodas to everyone. It felt like a real family dinner for the first time for Laddie and Evette...

Butterflies (T. Parker) (Lost Boys/F&F crossover)Where stories live. Discover now