Chapter Three

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Evette had been letting herself and Laddie settle in for a few days, before she decided she needed to find a good job for her to take care of herself and Laddie. She was worried that if she didn't have enough money, someone would notice, and they would try to take Laddie away from her. Honestly, she loved Laddie too much to lose him, and she refused to give anyone a reason to try and take him away.

Evette went around town for a while looking for a place that had an opening. After almost two days, Evette still hadn't found anything. She sat outside in her car, her head in her hands as she tried to not freak out. There wasn't a place nearby that was hiring, and she was getting desperate. The girl began to cry, as she placed her hands on the steering wheel and clutched it until her knuckles turned white.

After a couple of minutes of crying in her car, she was startled by a knock on the window. She jumped and looked out, seeing the same blonde that she had met a few days ago. If she remembered correctly, his name was Brian, and he lived next door to her with a few of his friends. She didn't know him well, but he seemed nice enough when she met him the other day.

Evette slowly grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it, before she stick her foot out and slowly pulled herself from the car. The girl wiped her face with her hands, but she couldn't completely calm herself down.

"Are you alright?" Brian asked,"What happened?" He questioned, placing his hands on her arms lightly.

"It's nothing." She answered, shaking her head slightly.

"Obviously it's something. Otherwise you wouldn't be sittin' in your car crying." He commented, and she felt her bottom lip tremble.

"I'm having some trouble finding a job," She murmured,"if I don't find one, I don't know what I'm gonna do for money." She added, feeling tears fall from her eyes once again.

She couldn't help it, she began to cry again. Everything seemed to be crashing down on her. It felt like only two days ago her world was getting a little better, but here it was crumbling once again like it had when she lost Dwayne. She felt terrified to lose everything, and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it.

"I might know some people that could use some help

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"I might know some people that could use some help. Give me a day to talk to them, then I might have you a job." Brian said, making Evette sigh.

"You can't get my hopes up, Brian. I-I have to find a job soon, otherwise I might lose Laddie." She replied, and he frowned.

"I promise you, Evette, you will not lose Laddie, even if that means I have to pay you to come clean our house or something." He stated, causing her to nod slightly.

"Thank you, Brian, honestly, it means a lot." She murmured, making him smile the same smile she had seen when they first met.

"Not a problem, Evette." He replied, and she looked up at him once more.

"Evie," She commented,"Call me, Evie. My mom and my enemies call me Evette." She added, causing him to laugh.

"You have enemies?" He asked,"You don't even look like you could hurt a fly." He joked, making her smirk.

"You'd be surprised," She answered,"and yes, I have enemies. Two of them happen to be related to me, but don't worry, they're not gonna come lookin' for me." She said, and he simply grinned with amusement.

"You feelin' better now, Evie?" He asked, causing her to nod.

"A bit," She replied,"Thank you. I definitely didn't want Laddie seeing me like that."

"Well, anytime you need me, you know where to find me, even if it's just for a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant to. I'm always here." He said, and she finally smiled.

She and Brian said their goodbyes, before the girl headed into her house. Brian watched her walk away and disappear, and once she was inside, he went back to Dom's place. He needed to talk to them and see if they could find Evie a job, or if they knew a way for her to make money.

Brian knew Evie was an honest worker just by the way she carried herself and did things for herself and her son. She was a good mother, and if he was honest, he was a little jealous of her little boy. He wished he had as nice of a mother growing up. His mother was okay, but she wasn't always there. Evie was always there for her son, and Brian wished his childhood was the same.

Anyhow, he headed into Dom's house and walked through to the kitchen. He placed a kiss on his girlfriend, Mia, giving her a sweet smile. She smiled back at him, and raised an eyebrow in question.

"What was the matter with Evette?" She asked, making her boyfriend sigh.

"First, she said call her Evie, only her enemies call her Evette," Brian commented, causing Mia to chuckle and roll her eyes,"but she was crying because she's been looking for a job, but she can't find a place that's hiring. She's seriously freaking out over it, she's scared she's gonna lose her son. I told her I'd talk to some people to try and find her a job." He said, causing Mia to sigh.

"Brian..." She trailed off, making Brian sigh as well.

"I know, but she seriously needs some help, Mia," He said,"I can practically tell she's trustworthy, and I think with a bit of time, we could trust her." He added, and Mia bit her lip.

"We'll have to talk to Dom." She replied, making her boyfriend nod.

Mia wanted to help the young mother as well, she just didn't know how willing Dom would be to help...

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