Chapter One

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Evette Emerson had fallen in love, but Michael Emerson had taken it away. From the moment they moved to Santa Carla, Evette had wished she had just packed up and moved to a different area. She could've easily moved out on her own at the age of twenty, but she didn't, instead she moved with her mother, and her two younger brothers.

While living in Santa Carla, Evette met a man by the name of Dwayne. The man was quiet, but he was definitely different. He cared for Evette, and showed her just how a man should love a woman. Every night, the two would meet, and he would wrap his arms around her, and hold her body close to his. He would constantly kiss her in some way, be it a simple kiss on the lips, or a kiss to the side of her head as she stood in front of him.

Dwayne gave her everything she could've ever wanted, and David promised her a life with Dwayne if she drank from an ugly, old bottle. In the bottle was blood, but at the time, she hadn't known that. She drank from the bottle, and she slowly began to see the changes in herself, but she never let them bother her, since she had Dwayne to comfort and love her.

Michael was obsessed with Star, and Star seemed to be obsessed with Michael. He and the youngest brother, Sam, came up with a plan to get rid of the head vampire and cure Star and himself from the curse. He didn't even seem to care that his older sister was also turning into a vampire, or that she was in love with one of them. The moment Michael met Star, everything changed.

Star quit caring for Laddie, she left him with Dwayne. Dwayne and Evette cared for Laddie as if he was their child. Laddie loved both of them the most, and he was always seen at Evette's side when Dwayne wasn't around. Evette had actually moved into the little hideout a month before Michael had ruined everything. Each night, Evette would be woken up by Dwayne, as he peppered kisses all over her face.

The morning one of the Frog brothers killed Marko, Evette knew nothing was going to be the same. She had a feeling something was going to happen to Dwayne, and that scared her more than anything. She had begged and pleaded for him not to go, but in the end, he didn't really have a choice. David wanted revenge, and the boys were going to help him. He had even recruited Evette, though she refused to kill her brothers.

That night, Dwayne had asked to sit with Evette for a moment before they left to handle their revenge. He wanted her to know just how much he loved her, and that he never planned to leave her. She was his world, and he would protect her from anything and everything that tried to put her in any harm. She was perfect to him, and he loved her more than he loved anything or anyone else in his entire life.

"I love you, Evie," Dwayne had murmured,"and I'll never let anything happen to you or Laddie. You two are my world," He said, kissing her softly,"If anything happens, and we don't make it back, take Laddie and live a life you always wanted to live." He added, and Evette nodded, holding back tears.

Evette had hid Laddie away, before she and the boys went to the Emerson house to take care of business. She could feel pain when Paul was killed, but David had to hold her up from falling to the ground the moment her brother killed Dwayne. She felt like her whole life had shattered around her, and she couldn't help but scream and sob after he was killed.

Michael, Star, Sam, and the Frogs seemed to not give a damn about what they had just witnessed. Instead, Michael began to fight with David. Evette simply sat with Dwayne's head in her lap, as she cried and pleaded for him to open his eyes. Evette felt David die, and it caused her to cry more. He had been the one to help her be with Dwayne, he was her friend.

Nobody went to check on Evette, as they simply wondered why Michael and Star were still vampires. Evette knew Max was the head vampire, but she refused to tell them anything. She simply sat and cried over her dead lover, as Max finally came to the home and attacked them.

"You see what you've done, Michael," Max scolded,"You've hurt your sister. You killed her mate, but we can put this all behind us, if you choose wisely with your next move."

The moment Evette felt her vampirism lift, she shakily stood from the floor, and turned to glare at her brothers and Star. Michael and Star hugged each other, before they turned to Evette.

"You're safe now, Eve." Michael said, causing Evette to scowl.

"You killed them. You knew how much Dwayne meant to me, but you still killed him." Evette snapped, causing Michael to frown.

"He was a vampire, Evette." He retorted, and she stepped closer threateningly.

"So was she, so were you, and so was I. I loved him. You took him away from me." She spat, making her brother sigh.

"You still have Laddie, Evette. You don't have to be trapped anymore by them." Star commented, trying to calm Evette down.

"No, you don't get it," Evette began, as she stalked towards the door,"You two get to have your stupid little ending, but Laddie and I get nothing. I get it though, as long as Michael is happy, Evette doesn't matter. Well, guess what, I'm done. Don't ever contact me again. If I hear from you again, it'll be too soon," She stated,"I hate all of you." She spat, before she quickly left the house.

She was never going back, and she was never going to see them again. As long as she lived, she and Laddie were going to be far away from the traitors that tore Dwayne away from them...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Like I said before, this is a small crossover, meaning the Lost Boys aren't mentioned too much. The F&F crew will be mentioned a lot more.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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