Chapter Fourteen

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The next morning, once everyone was awake and had all of their things together, the team headed back home. It took a few hours, but luckily it didn't take too long. Evette slept most of the ride, even though she had slept through the night. Brian joked that she was sleeping because she wore herself out kicking ass.

When they got home, Tej and Evette headed straight for her place. They entered the house, and seen Mia sitting with Laddie in the kitchen. They were working on school work, which seemed to get easier as the school year progressed. Anyway, the moment they stepped into the house, school work didn't matter to Laddie anymore.

He jumped up from his seat at the table and ran over to them. He hugged them and kept saying how much he missed them. Tej and Evette felt their hearts swell at the little boy's words. Mia excused herself to pack up her things. She would be heading back to her own home to see Brian and her brother.

Before Mia left, she left a kiss on Evette's cheek. She told the woman she'd see her in a few hours. With that being said, Evette knew instantly that there was a family dinner being planned. She didn't mind though, since she loved spending time with everyone.

"I've got to head over to Dom's and see if he needs any help with the food. You guys head over when you're ready." Tej said, and Evette simply nodded.

Evette finished helping Laddie with his school work, before she sent him upstairs to get ready. Once he was dressed, she told him to pack up his school things like he did every day so he wouldn't lose anything. While he was packing up his school stuff for the day, Evette went to her room to put on some new clothes, as well as to take a nice shower.

Once she was dressed and had her hair fixed, Evette headed downstairs to make sure Laddie was ready

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Once she was dressed and had her hair fixed, Evette headed downstairs to make sure Laddie was ready. The mother and son walked over to the Toretto home and headed inside. Evette went to the kitchen to help Mia and Letty, as Laddie ran outside to help the guys. Those his version of help wasn't really helping much, but none of the guys really seemed to mind.

Unbeknownst to Evette, while she was helping inside, Dom and Brian were helping Tej get ready for his surprise. He was surprising Evette, and he knew that she had to be occupied while he got ready, otherwise she'd mess it up. She was too curious, and she would figure it out if she wasn't busy.

Mia and Letty knew of the surprise as well, so they kept the girl very busy inside. She didn't even really have time to take a sip of her soda when she was thirsty. They just wanted to make sure everything was perfect, and they took their job very seriously when it came to keeping Evette busy and distracted.

Anyhow, about an hour later, everything was ready. Evette felt like she had worked for hours, but it had really only been an hour. She helped the other two girls carry everything from inside to the table outside. Roman ran in to help as well, which the girls were thankful for. Brian, Tej, and Dom carried all the barbecued food over to the table as well. Laddie went and grabbed himself and his mother a soda each, knowing hers was probably warm and flat.

Everyone sat down at the table, as smiles spread on their faces. They were all happy to be around their family. There wasn't always a chance for them to all be together, so to have this opportunity was amazing. They could all spend time together and be together like they wanted to be.

Dom was the one to say grace, before everyone began to grab food and start eating. Evette and Mia helped Laddie grab food to put on his plate. He wasn't quite big enough to reach everything on the table yet, so they were more than happy to help him.

When everyone was finished, Mia and Letty cleaned everything up. Evette was given a break, since she had worked so hard in preparing everything inside. Once the girls had finished cleaning up, they brought out cupcakes for dessert. Laddie became very excited when he seen the cupcakes.

"Before we eat the cupcakes, I believe Tej has something he wants to say." Dom commented, calling all attention to Tej.

"Right," Tej murmured nervously,"Evie, you're an amazing woman. You've shown me that life is more than just cars and computers. I love you, and I love Laddie more than anything. I hope one day, I can officially call him my son, but for now," He pulled a ring out of his pocket,"I was hoping I could call you my fiancé?" He asked, and Evette smiled.

"Yes." She answered, though her voice was somewhat low.

She couldn't believe it. She hadn't expected him to ask her to marry him, but in a totally different fashion than she had seen on movies and TV. He was so sweet, and she couldn't wait to marry him. He was perfect, not only for her, but also for Laddie. He loved them both, and she couldn't be more grateful for that.

When she said yes, everyone cheered. Congratulations were thrown from different directions, as Tej slipped the ring onto Evette's finger. It was times like this, that they were glad they had their family around. Evette hadn't gotten to meet everyone yet, but she hoped to meet them by the time she and Tej married.

She had never been so happy in her life. He had shown her the love and support that she and Laddie deserved. She thought she was lost when Dwayne had been killed, but it was only just the beginning. Her life wasn't ending like she had thought, it was only just starting for her and Laddie both...

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