Chapter 13: Time With You

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"Where are we going?"

"To my favorite place." he said smiling at me. His smile is not that of the teasing kind. It was a warm one.

We arrived at the Vivaldi Ski Resort. Ah, this is his fav place.

He said that in his point of view I should try skiing first. He thought me the techniques on how to move forward, to stop and how to control where I'm going. I stumbled so many times. It seems like he was making fun of me everytime I fall but strangely it didn't made me upset. It was fun. And as most people said, it was also addictive.

"Ohhh! That's great! You're a fast learner than I thought!"

After several tries, I can say that I can ski decently.

Seeing this he suggested that I try snowboarding. It was more difficult than skiing but since I have learned some techniques from it made it easier to learn snowboarding. I learned snowboarding quicker than skiing.

Kyuhyun really enjoys this place. His laughs are echoing through my ears. It was like I'm having a big brother making me experience these things.

I decided to ride on my own. I left the spot where we are practicing and moved on a higher part.

I can say that it is a wrong move because I'M SLIDING FASTER THAN EXPECTED!


Then he moved on my way so that he can block me.

We rolled down, decreasing the speed and we halted to a stop.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, Are you okay?" his eyes were closed and it made me panic more. I quickly stood up but he pulled my arms making us closer and making me realize how awkward our position is. He was lying flat on his back and I was half-sitting, half-leaning on top of him.

" Kyuhyun-ssi, gwenchanayo?" I repeated myself many times.

"I'm okay but can we stay this way?"

"You must not be on you right mind. People are looking at us. They might recognize you"

He got up but I was still on top of him, then he said "I don't care. Look all they want. I'm enjoying myself there's nothing wrong about that."

Then he flashed that warm smile.

I understand him. It was rare for them to have a chance like this because they are busy as idols and because most people don't respect their leisure and private time.

I sense sincerity on him so I let him be.

I let him do what he want. We even held hands while slowly riding the ski. He even shared the ski boards with me. I don't care what we do, as long as he's happy and he's enjoying what he's doing.

"Aw, that was hot!" Kyuhyun exclaimed while opening one of the fire roasted sweet potatoes we bought.

"Give me that." he gave me one and I easily opened it. Maybe it's because I'm used to handle hot things? Lets say I have high tolerance of heat.

I looked at him when I opened a sweet potato for him. The look on his face was worth a laugh trip. He was shocked at that? I continued to laugh while eating the potato.

"Stop laughing. You might choke."

I stopped laughing and then he laughed. "You really stopped huh-accckk"

Aigoo! Jinjja! He was the one choking right now. Tsk!

I hugged him from the back, and applied what I learned from the seminars I attended. I put my fist just adjacent on his diaphragm, and helped him pushed out the potato that made him choke.

After repeating many times, it went out at last.

"Gwen-ah! Thank you so much!" then he hugged me, "I thought I'll die.Thank you for saving me."

"Its nothing. I just don't want to be imprisoned. If you die I'll be the prime suspect. That's why I saved you."

"Don't be so cold. I know you did it because you love us. You love Super Junior. You even told your family that you'd die for us."

Which is true. I just don't want to let him know the fact that he is my bias for twelve years, that might cause another misunderstanding. Especially now that I decided to acknowledge this lingering feeling towards Donghae. I should not be harboring feelings for another one.

I should stop Kyuhyun whatever he was trying to pursue with me. I may not be so sure or I am just assuming things but I'm not that dense not to notice that he was interested in me. I don't know in what way but I should be the one to keep myself in the right place, in the right boundaries.

"You know what? I've been thinking about it lately that you are like my noona." he said looking at me. "It's so fun teasing you two. But you still care about me. It feels comfortable whenever you're around even all you do was nag at me." he chuckled.

"I really miss my sister at times like this because this what we usually do when its winter. She has family now, so she should do it with them."

"But you are also her family. She would love doing it with you again."

He just nodded.

"If you want, I can also be your family."

He looked at me.

Looking at him, I smiled warmly and said, " You guys are my home even before I met you as an employee. You are my home since the day that I got to know you. Your songs healed and comforted my anxious heart. Your dances made me dance even when I feel down. Your shows never failed to put a smile on my face. You even saved me from sadness that I thought no one could ever heal. And with that I'm so thankful. I'd do anything to give back what was given to me years ago. I'm willing to be your home when you needed one. I'm willing to be your family when you misses yours. I'm willing-"

He held my hand. It made me stop talking. He stares at me straight in the eye. Seems like he really misses his family. Or is it a different kind of longing?

"Excuse me, perhaps are you Super Junior Kyuhyun?" a girl from a group in front of us asked. They were already taking pictures. Kyuhyun tried to hide my face.

"Can you stop?" Kyuhyun sternly said.

But they're still taking pictures. It makes me anxious of what could happen after this. We can't even run away from here because people were already around us.

"So what if he is Kyuhyun?" a man appears in front of us. "Can't you just let him have his rest and leisure? There are official events where you can see and meet him. You should go meet and sse him there but not today."

Then he told the people to go. And let us have our peace and private time alone.

"I see that you bring your sister this time, Kyuhyun-ssi" the man said patting Kyuhyun's shoulder. Saying those words out loud so that people would hear.

Then Kyuhyun whispered something on his ear.

"She's not your sister?" the man also whispered.

Then I raised my head to look at him. Recognition draws on his face.

"Gwen Feliciano? Bai!" the man pointed at me. 'Bai' means 'my friend' in Cebuano. And the only person who calls me that is my childhood friend, their family is Cebuano and they've been our neighbor from about the time that I learned to walk until I graduate from high school.

"Ethan! Bai!" we hugged each other.

Who would've thought that the answer to the confusion of my feelings towards Donghae and Kyuhyun would be clear? Now that my long time crush is in front of me, I can now draw the lines between admiring an idol and loving a person.

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