Chapter 28: Keeping A Promise

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We sat at the park watching people around us while eating the street foods that we bought. The park seemed busy even on a weekday. Lovers holding hands while walking, group of friends goofing around, family bonding and chilling, and some people who were alone taking their time off from the world.

"Thank you for today." I said to break the silence. I looked at Kyuhyun.

Tsk. Why am I like this?

I don't know when will I ever be used to his beauty. I'm always star-stricken whenever I'm looking at him. Now I just saw his perfect side profile up close.

"No, I'm the one who should thank you. You made my day complete." he said flashing his sweetest smile, "I've never been here for who knows how long. Thanks to you I get to do this even with a busy schedule."

"By the way, why did you want to meet me? Is it something really urgent that you need to make time from your busy schedule?" I can't figure out what he has to say or do to make him feel rushed like this.

He smiled again and shook his head. Oh I will never get used to his smile. He looks a lot better when he smiles.

"Are you free this weekend?" he suddenly asked.

"This weekend? Why do you ask?" I then started to remember if there was  something that I need to do this weekend.

"I want to talk about us." he said with his warm voice and looks at me.

"About us?" I also looked at him and his gaze was like it's penetrating my soul. Then here's this feeling again. This feeling that makes my heart race, sends butterflies on my stomach and making my face burn. I averted my eyes the moment it met his.

"Yes. About us. Let's talk about us." after composing myself, I looked at him to read his expression.

With the eye contact and sincerity in his eyes, tone and voice, I failed to hide my smile.

"Okay," I said while nodding with a smile. I can't help it. I can't stop myself.

It's getting late and we still have a lot of untouched snacks so we decided that  I bring them home for Mira. Kyuhyun even insisted on buying the ones that we have eaten. He said that Mira would love it since he approve of it.


I got a message and speaking of the devil it came from Mira.

>My precious sister💙
Ate, my colleagues and I will be having a company dinner. I'll be staying at Ate Mi Na's place tonight. So don't worry and sleep comfortably, okay?

I replied:

Okay. Just make sure to consume alcohol at your limit okay? Don't push yourself too much. Tell Mi Na that I'll kill her if something happens to you. Anyways, have fun!

After taking a bath and putting on my sleeping clothes. I went to the terrace hoping that the night view of the city would make me sleepy.

I was staring at the night sky, thinking about Kyuhyun and I. Then something came to mind. I really need to go to him soonest.

Going back inside the apartment, I rushed to my room and  dressed up decent clothes and did not put any make up on.

I need to meet him right now. I just hope that he was at home or he wasn't sleeping yet. I want to keep my promise to him.

I went to his apartment with some of the snacks from earlier.

I pressed the doorbell and he opened the door immediately.

"Gwen-ah?" he looked so shocked seeing me.

"Donghae-ssi" I smiled.

"What brings you here at this hour?"

I lifted the snacks I brought with a beam. He also smiled then let me in.

He brought out two cans of beer. He still knows the drill.

I smiled to myself and unpacked the fried chicken and tteokbokki.

I found myself smiling a lot today. I hope it will be like this from now on.

"What made you to come here at the middle of the night?" he said when he sat across the table in front of me.

I should choose my words. He is a soft one and I don't want to hurt him that bad.

"You said that when I became certain of my feelings, you should be the first one to know."

He nodded with a hint of nervousness on his face, "Ah yes, what about that?" saying that without looking at me.

I took a sip from the can, " I just thought of giving myself a chance. At first I'm thinking that I just don't want to hurt you  was the reason alone why I'm still confused. But now I'm certain that the reason I'm confused is that you're still special to me though not in the romantic way."

I looked at him trying to read his reaction on what I just said. But I can't really read him right now.

He took a sip from his beer and took a bite on his chicken," What matters is that I'm still special. So who's the lucky guy you're willing to take a chance?" he looked at me and smiled, "Perhaps is it him?"



I nodded and he smiled genuinely, though there's a hint that he was hurt. I know he tries to hide it but I know that it's an inevitable thing to feel hurt when someone you love, loves another.

"Can we still stay as we are right now? You know that I can't loose you. You became like a big brother to me."

He nodded and started to tear up. I stood up and hugged him with his head on my shoulder. This was the least that I can do for him after hurting him. He's so precious that I don't know if I can't sleep after this.

"I'm so glad to meet you and will always be thankful that I have someone like you in my life."

He moved to let go from the hug. He has his adorable serious face on and said, "But I'll continue to love you and wait for you. So you can always go back to the open arms of the love that's waiting there... "

"Wait, what you just said was from the lyrics of a song right?" I said cracking up on his line.

He also laughed, then again turning on his serious mode, "I'll always be here for you. Don't think that you turned me down. I know that your conscience won't make you sleep because of what we talked about."

He held my chin and turned my head to look at him and our eyes met. "I will not back up on this, so if he did something to you, I'll take you from him. Or you can just rest you head on my shoulder and pour out your bottled up emotions. Arasseo?"

I look at him, with that thankful gaze.

"Arasseo? Answer me."


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