Chapter 6: Mixed Gestures

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I hesitated to take his hand. Seeing this, he kindly took his hand away and instead, he went to his car and opened the door for me.

"Thank you," was all that I can say.

While he was driving, I can sense that he was looking at me from time to time.

"I don't want to die right now, please focus on your driving," I said with the most calm voice I could make but I think it is obvious that I'm nervous on this situation. A really awkward silent envelopes the both of us.

Sensing that, he opened his playlist in the car and played their songs' playlist. It was mostly composed of soft songs making the tension I feel in the atmosphere to ease and loosen up.

I woke up with a bit of light that was coming from outside, the sun wasn't that high up, it was early in the morning. I still want to sleep since yesterday was exhausting yet fulfilling. I moved to find a more comfortable position when I realized that I was still in a car. I looked at my side and Donghae was there, sound asleep. I looked around and I found out that we are at the Namsan Seoul Tower parking area.

What happened? Why are we here?

I tapped him on his shoulder to wake him up and he woke up. Seems like he is a light sleeper.

He then looked at me and smiled, "Good morning, Gwen."

"Good morning," I replied back. "But may I ask why are we here?"

"Oh that," his voice trailed off, "this is where we ended the last time that we met-"

I don't know why but I went out of his car. Maybe I'm still not ready to hear what he is going to say.

He followed me, "Gwen, can't we start again? I made a mistake back then. I still like you and I want to try again. I want to pursue you. Just give me another chance now that fate had let our paths cross again."

I can feel his sincerity and for me that's what matters but I still can't give my heart away just like that again. I sighed and, " I can give you chance one after another because you're such a kind and sincere person. But it will take time for me to give chance to us, if you know what I mean."

He drove me to Eunkyu's (Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun's) dorm. I thought he would just drop me by but he went with me all the way. When we arrived inside, Kyuhyun is cooking Galbitang (beef short rib soup) maybe for Eunhyuk's hangover. And Eunhyuk was already sitting at the table.

"Oh? Mwoya? You didn't sleep at home yesterday?" Eunhyuk asked after seeing the two of us.

"The car broke down," Donghae.

"You should have called a car repair service,"Kyuhyun said. His face was unreadable.

" My phone ran out of battery," Donghae.

" Still you shouldn't have slept on the road!" his voice rose a little. He turned his back on us and continued with his cooking.

I went to my room to sleep more. But I can't. I feel a bit of tension earlier but why? Maybe because Kyuhyun is really concerned on his hyungs and he feels really anxious when things like this happens.

He wouldn't be that angry if its because of me, would he? No, of course. He doesn't care about me at all so why would he?

Just as I close my eyes because I found my sleepiness, someone knocked. Then his head popped out of the door.

"Kyuhyun-ssi? What made you look for me? Do I forgot something to do? Do you need help?" I asked as I dragged my body out of the bed.

"Aniya, aniya. Don't get out of the bed," he said as he open the door wider holding a tray with breakfast, "I thought that you might be tired from yesterday, that's why I prepared breakfast for you."

"Ah its okay, you don't have to. Let's just go outside and have breakfast on whoever is home," I said getting up.

"Actually, no one's home except us."

I froze. What?

"D&E has schedule today. The D&E show"

"Oh right! I need to be there."

"It's okay. Donghae and Eunhyuk told Tong Son-hyung that you were of great help yesterday and you should rest today." He said putting the food tray in front of me"We also should not overwork you on your first week of work,"he laughed, as if he is planning to overwork me after this week ends.

"No, its okay I'll eat outside," I said stopping him. "You should also eat with me," it would be rude if I would not ask him to eat with me.

We were eating when he suddenly said, "So how was yesterday?"

"It is fun. Exhausting but fulfilling," I smiled, "I know that you guys are busy and are kind. But what I witnessed yesterday was something the mass media could not see." I smiled then giggled at the thought that Eunhyuk and Donghae were kissed nonstop by the grandmothers at the home for the aged.

"So you like things like that, huh?"

I nodded.

As we finished eating, I started to clear the table and put the dishes on the sink.

"I'll do that," he said taking the gloves from me.

Okay use that, I'm more comfortable not using those when washing the dishes, I thought. Then started my work.

"I said I'll do that, or you'll get fired." he said sternly.

"I'd rather get fired than to do nothing all day, so let me do this. Besides you've done all the cooking. I should at least do the cleaning," he was giving me the gloves as a sign of letting me do the dishes.

I declined.

"At least use this."

"I'm not comfortable using it."

"Okay, just finish those and rest a little more. I'll be at my room just knock and ask me if you need something."

"Noted, Kyuhyun-ssi." He was walking away but he went back, "before I forgot be ready before lunch. You will be paying what you owe me."

How would I pay him? The salary I got from my past two jobs won't be enough to treat him to a lunch outside.

'You will be paying what you owe me.' replays in my head and the longer it's stays in my head like that the more nervous I become for what will happen.

I was so occupied by it that the plate I'm washing slipped off my hand. I wish that the sound didn't reach Kyuhyun's ear.

I should just pay this with the salary that I will get from this job. I picked up the broken pieces and I was cut by a sharp piece.

"What is that soun-" I looked up at him with bloody hands.


He quickly went to me and helped me get up to the sink to wash the wound. But I feel dizzy. And was shaking hard.

The blood from the wound at my hand flows continuously.

I feel my heart is racing because of palpitations.

"You're trembling hard Gwen-ssi," he said cupping my head by his both hands.

"Gwen-ssi are you ok-" then everything went black.

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