Chapter 1 - Dreams or Posibilities?

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It was pretty late, i was tired and starting to fall a sleep. Finally i did, but i started to have this kin of very weird dream, it was was something new.


I was walking with Celineinfront of a big hote, we were excited when we saw the name Four Seasons we were carrying with us backpacks, but still didt knew the reason yet, we kept walking past the hotel and we were nowin the back of the big  hotel. We kept just walking and talking when i heard that someone almost yelled

"HEY !! Uh ... Hi?!"   we turned around to see who was it. It was a tall blond guy with mesmerizing eyes, his soft blue gaze was set on us but mostly in me. I turned around again to see if it was really talking to us, and yes there was anyone else thete though. It was kind of difficult to recognize his whole face, the only thing we could see were those sparkilng eyes, he was wearing a black hoodie so it was difficult to get to see his face completely. He was aproaching us slowly and I stood frozen as Celine did, but the difference is that i was hypnotized by that intense gaze all over me. While he was getting closer we finally got to se his face, i t was Niall James Horan.

I told Celine "Omg its niall" Almost whispering so only Celine could hear what i said, she stood frozen and soon answered "I know, Why the hell are you still alive Val? He's the one you die for!!" And i answered "I am dying, i just dont want to show it" 

Finally he was infront of us with that amazing smile and mesmerizing gaze, glaring at us but mostly at me. Suddenly  he spoke braking my thoughts 

"Hi... uh...I am not sure if you know who I am so but just in case... Hi I am Niall Horan"  We chuckled just not to bring attention"We know who you are" He nodded with a very big smile almost faking it, but i could see in his eyes he was sacred so I spoke "Dont worry we're not gonna scream, we understand the way you might feel about the crazy fans"   He seemed satisfied with what i said, and smiled."So you're not fans?" he asked abruptly, and whe both chuckled at his question "Yes , we are but not the cazy kind of" he just laughed at what we said. As soon as i questioned myslef i asked him "And uh.... why are you....uh you know talking to us.... i mean do you need something? is everything okay?" he smiled at me  "You're nervous and that's cute, and yes everything is okay , i just saw you both walking infront of me and i felt needy to meet you."  He said cheekily and i blushed getting as red as a tomato "Oh ... uh thanks? I mean if i saw you when i paassed by i shol've talked to you... or maybe not"  He interrupted me with a single " Why?"  and i continued  ".... easy because, i shoulnt've wanted you tho think that i was talking to you for you fame and stuff" his glance was still questioning me so i continued to explain what i said "Okay... i'll explain, i shouldn't've talked to you because you shoul'd've felt that i was just talking to you for what you have and for being in 1D, so i should've just avoided you ... for you not to feel uncomfortable or maybe used." And with that i finished talkind and  i noticed he was looking at me i a very deep way with a small smirk on his face. I just stood there frozen by his intense gaze on me. "Well by seeing your reaction and talking to you i can bet you're not of those kind of people whose just want to get something of you but your true frienship or just a good talk" i just nodded and smiled at hip ot being able to talk."Uh.... i am going to get something to eat the trip was log and i am starving brb"  Celine interruped our glance session. "I'm hungry too wait and we'll go get something to eat TOGETHER" "NO!!" we turned to give Niall a questioning glance and he said abruptly " Let's go inside to my hotel room, i'll get you both somethng to eat and you ca also rest"  we gave him a confused look and he soon spoke "It's just that i want to get to know more about you, pleaseeee?" he ended pleading so we finally nodded. We were walking to the door when i felt Niall's hand was set one in my waist and othe in my lower back.


I woke up almost choking because of the dream i just had, it was so realistic, so perfect! but for god's sake what was going to happen next!!! why did i woke up?? and the i remembered i had school.

I stood up from my bed and got ready to school, and the dream not leaving my mind. I was kind of thinking all the times that i've dreamed of something and it some day becomes true ,its kind of creepy but....when i have the feeling something's gonna happen it happens to and when it happens i remember the exact moment when i felt or dreamed about it. I was thinking , was it just a dream? was it going to become true? were those my posibilities? . It was disappointing that to find out the only thing i could do was to stay still until it happened.

I was excited to tell Celine about my dream, what would she say? , i justc couldn get off my mind that dream, that crazy and perfect dream, thinking that if it became tru it'd be just amazing and..... unbelievable. and with that dream i was just going to count the months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes until the concert was.


well guuys this is the chapter i was going to upload yesterday , but it got erased like threetimes and i was on my ipod so its was kind of stressing and i almos cried of anger! HOPE YOU LIKE IT! TODAY'S MY MOTHER'S BDAY! SO i didi what i could to upload this !

comment/vote/fan and ask if you want to (: LOVE YOU ALL MY READERS!

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