Chapter 12- 2nd part

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Hellooooooo lovelieeeeeees! my few few readers i love you hahaha this is getting interesting guys...! Hope you like this 2nd part


“Wey hey what stuff girl?” she instantly chuckled at Niall’s reaction

“Almost cry, and get out of school to get them before they were all sold out”

“Woah there, these are true fan girls and your friends… Celine and uh...Valerie are pretty?”

“Uh… yes and I think that probably more than me!” she said complimenting her friends but…How can someone be prettier than her?

“How’s that even possible?” I though, actually I spoke and I blushed when I noticed and she just continued the conversation

“Believe me Harry they are”

“Do you have any pictures of them on your phone?”

“Uh yes actually I think I may have because before coming I deleted everything on my phone but, maybe yes, why?”

“Can you show me? I mean I want to see if you’re being honest with us” He said grinning.

 I was getting annoyed by his, attitude he’s just asking for her friends and I’m not even talking to her and I like her. He just wants to know if her friends are pretty and I’m jealous he has all her attention on him.

“Uh sure” she said giggling

“Niall don’t, please stop” I abruptly spoke wanting to end with his attitude, he seems desperate to find a girl, maybe he is but he shouldn’t show it that much.

“It’s fine Harry don’t worry” she smiled sweetly at me and I felt like my heart melted at that gesture. She turned her attention to her phone looking for pictures to show to Niall. Suddenly her face lighted up with a smile and I was lost staring at her while Niall was lost I his coffee.

“Oh look…” she looked up from her phone turning her attention to Niall quickly eyeing me. “…this is Celine”

“Wow she’s pretty, but she’s more like Louis’ type”

“Actually she likes Louis” she said while chuckling

“Wow that’s nice and Valerie?”

“I don’t have any of her I deleted everything as I said I have just one of her eyes, she sent it to me this morning to wake me up, look”

“Niall seriously you sound like a desperate and needy man” I said complaining now

“No I’m not, I just want to know how her friends look likes, and Woah those are mesmerizing eyes” He said ending surprised by the photo he was looking and I laughed at his reaction.

“Let me see” I saw them and yes they were very beautiful , I nodded but I can’t deny the fact that I like Fer’s eyes the most, like the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.

She was searching for more pics to show to Niall and I finished my drink while thinking that I need to see her tomorrow and all the time I’m staying here.

“Oh look and this is Cel, Val and I but just our backs and hair, well when Val’s hair was like natural, normal she bleached the tips like a month ago”

“Wow I’m guessing this is Valerie, Woah she’s fit and curvy and her hair is long and I can imagine it bleached at the tips and I think that I just fell in love”

“Niall please stop” I said more like groaning

“Woah Okay” he said harshly

“So Fer...nanda” I said awkwardly her name and she gave me her whole attention giggling at the way I said her name

“Call me Fer just Fer” she said still giggling

“Well Fer would you like to go clubbing with us tonight?”


“Yes, we’ll pick you up from you hotel and when you want we or at least I can take you back to you hotel again please” I said pleading and willing to beg until her answer was yes when I heard

“Uh…yeah sure why not?”

“Hey guys, sorry for get into your conversation but can you show me the picture of Valerie’s eyes please?”

 “Uh sure look” she said

“Niall what the hell why?” I complained

“I just need to see it I think that I’ve seen those eyes before”

“Niall…are you serious?”

“Yes I am but I don’t know where… has she ever been here or Ireland or on meet and greet?”

“Not really neither of them”

“Well then this is weird”

“Yes it is, anyway see you guy’s I’ll go and get ready, and see you later then”

“Woah there, before you go, take this” I said giving her my coat her shirt was still wet from the coffee and I was to but I didn’t care really.

“Uh thanks I’ll give it to you later” she said as she grabbed it and put it on her small body while standing up.

“Well guys bye see you later and thanks for the coffee and again sorry Harry”

“It’s fine love! Take care, see you later”

“See you later” Niall said scrolling something on his phone

And with that she came out and I sighed, not wanting her to leave even though I knew I was going to see her later and I was going to ask her for us to meet every day until we needed to go to Mexico and we can also go there together.

“Mate please, wake up from your day dream, you invited her and all that…”

“Yeah and you have a problem with it?” I interrupted

“Nah not really mate, you didn’t ask for her phone number neither her hotel, how are you sup…”

And with that I left him talking alone and stood up and ran after her, I reached for her shoulder and she turned around scared but she sighed when she saw it was just me.

“Fer…” I said while catching my breath

“Yeah...” she said giggling

“Your phone, your hotel, how am I supposed to pick you up and see you later if I don’t know how or where to find you”

“Oh yes… sure, can I borrow your phone so I can give you my number, I don’t think that you’ll be like feeling secure if you give me yours so I will give yyou mine”

“Oh sure” I gave her my phone and she started tapping while she said

“I’m staying at the Crown Victoria”

“Woah” I said amused that hotel is expensive

“There you go Harry see you later” she said and stood on her tip toes to reach my cheek and pecked it.

“Later love” and with that I came back to the Starbucks with Niall, this night is going to be amazing.


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