Chapter 6- Teaser.....

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After this werid school day i am finally home, i was thinking about what just happened today....with Erick i mean....his eyes were stunning his whole face was almost for me...his eye lashes so long and perfectly making him look this genlte and innocent! God Valerie STOP thinking about him, yeah he's really good looking but....he's never gonna lay eyes on you like that, besides you dont want a relationship now, and remember he's 2 years younger.

There was no-one at my house so i decided to cook something for me to eat, i was tired and starving, so i thought i'll eat and then go to have my "beauty sleep" . I was cooking while i was still thinking about Erick and fighting my thoughts and then i heard my phone ringing inside of my bag, so i stopped cooking and went to the livingroom to get my phone.

I took it out and saw the screen to see who was calling and it was uknown number, i thought twice about taking the call or not....but then it stopped ringing so i went back to the kitchen with my phone and i left it on the counter beside me and continued cooking my food.

I ended cooking and served the food on my plate to start eating i sat and i was about to start eating when my phone buzzed, it was a message but i was starving so i started eating not paying attention or caring much about my phone buzzing.

I finished all my food and it buzzed again and i just continued and started washing the dishes, and it started ringing for second time so i dried my hands and took the call.



"Ummm yes who's this?"

"I am Erick how are you? were you busy?"

"Oh! Hi Erick! i good thanks and no i was just cooking, eating washing the dishes not much how about you?"

"Oh great i am good too but better now that i am talking to you"I didnt knew what to answer so i just chuckled softly.

"Umm Val...are you have any plans for later?"

"Not really why?"

"I was thinking would you like to go out....i'd like to go aout and talk to you to get to meet you more.. would yo like to?"

"Uh sure why not? where should we meet? "

"No if you want i can come to your house and just hang out, around like walking would you like to?"

"Oh yes i like this, and there's a park very close frome here, we can go there if you want"

"Yes its sounds good, so uhm what time? at....6 is it okay?"

"Yes its pretty fine"

"Okay Val then i'll see you at 6"


"Text me your adress and i'll see you later pretty"

"Okay Erick bye see you later"



I saw the clock and it was just 4:15 i had time to get ready though i wasnt going to wear much makeup nor wear something so stunning just something casual and pretty. I texted him my adress and checked at the other two texts i've recieved and one was Eric's and another one was Celine's so i read fisrt the Celine's one.

From: Cel :)

Hey Val i know Erick's gonna call you so accept and go out and tell me what did he said when he called 

Love you Val xx.

and the one from Erick

From: Erick

Hey Val? Are you there, i've been calling? are you okay?

And i just answered Celine 

To: Cel :)

He just called me and i agreed on going out, he's coming to my house and we'll go for a walk and just talk... are you Happy with that? now let me get ready he's coming at 6 and i want to take my beauty sleep and then get dressed and stuff Cel dont text back! I'll tell you later what happened but dont expect much.

Love you xx

And i got upstairs and got into the shower, and after that i went to sleep a bit i was tired and i wasnt caring much about the time, after all i was just going to wear nothing but mascara for my lashes and lipstick, and  before i went to shower i already picked what i was going to wear. Simply black skinny jeans and a white flower tank top.

So i just fell asleep and woke up at 5 pm to get ready. And when i finally did it was 5:50 so i had like 10 free minutes to do whata ever i'd like to so i just sat and watched tv while waiting. 



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