7: Joker's Care

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  Joker then sneaked out and took Jackson's car. He drove extra carefully because he'd been drinking. Finally he arrived and went up to Sarah's apartment and knocked the door.

The door opened and too his surprise it was a chimp that opened the door. He looked up at Joker confused.

"Uh, is Sarah home? She's expecting me. The name is Jo."

George nodded and let him in and pointed the closed bedroom. Joker knocked the door "Sarah? It's me, Jo. Can I come in?"

Sarah was asleep so he just walked in. Joker then sat in the chair beside her bed. Sarah snuggled holding her old rag doll which was an old Marvin the Martian doll she had since she was little. She felt someone was with her and looked seeing Joker sitting at her desk facing her. She then slightly smiled shyly at him.

He slightly smiled back "hey. I hope I didn't wake you. Please....go back to sleep, I'll just stay here."

"...you won't...let anyone, but George in...Will you?"

He shook his head "I promise. The doors and windows are locked. I'll be here until dawn. If you need me....I'm right here."

"...thank you...," she blushed.

"No problem" he then tried to cover a yawn "....im not tired. Really I'm not."

She giggled at him, which was the first...besides Harleen to laugh at his jokes.

"....are you...laughing at me? Like, you think I'm funny?"

"Yeah. I think you are."

He then smiled happily, "oh. Thank you. That means a lot to me."

"Doesn't Harleen think you're funny?"

"Sometimes. She was the first woman to ever laugh at my jokes."

"...oh...well I still think you are funny." She smiled.

His neck turned red as he blusjed "well....mayne i am kinda funny after all—" he leaned back on the chair and suddenly it tipped over and he fell on the floor.

"F*ck! Sorry," he was embarrassed now.

"....," Sarah giggled, but rushed to help him, "you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I think I just broke my butt" he chuckled, blushing "I'll blame the whiskey"

She helped him up and set him on the edge of the bed, "it would be more comfortable to just sit on my bed," she giggled.

"Yeah, thanks" he then removed his jacket "sorry. You should get some sleep. I feel bad, keeping you awake. You must be sleepy."

"It's alright." She laid back down and slowly shut her eyes.

"You kept it" Joker suddenly said. He'd just noticed the balloon bunny he had made her as carnival. It had deflated slightly but he was impressed she didn't throw it away.

"I like it..." she said in her sleep.

Joker smiled again. He then remembered something and was slightly confused. Once Sarah was asleep he went to the bathroom and washed his greasepaint off. He then went back to her room and sat down on the end of her bed again.

Sarah snuggled herself to sleep and felt completely safe with him the whole night. In the morning, Arthur was laying beside her in her bed as they slept. In his sleep he put his arm over her waist. Without meaning to. He had fallen asleep just an hour or two before and hadn't even realized he was lay beside her now. Sarah also had snuggled in his arm in her sleep too and thought it was sweet being so close to him.

When he finally woke up he was confused. Dang he really needed to lay off the whiskey. He carefully removed his arm from around her and slowly sat up. He reached for his jacket, for it was dawn now. Sarah whined slightly feeling lonely once he got up. She liked the feeling being held since it been so long. "...please don't go...," she said in her sleep.

Arthur felt bad and went back to the bed, "okay, I can maybe stay an hour or so longer."

She felt his arms around her again and she rolled over to bury her face in his chest. "I feel safer with...you..."

"Uh, I'm sure Jackson makes you feel safe."

"...but you're different," she said in her sleep.


"....," she then was sound asleep.

He sighed and chuckled softly. He then closed his eyes and dozed a little also.


Sarah found Joker was gone. But he left a text with an unknown number, which she assumed was his cell.

"Had to leave an hour after you asked me to stay awhile. Glad you felt better me being there. See you later around 2 when you get off work.

Also, you look peaceful when you sleep x"

She smiled and got dressed for work. "Ok, George come on," George jumped and bang on her back. She couldn't leave him alone at the apartment, so she was going to let Gold and Belle watch him while she was away. George was very helpful for Mr Gold at the shop.

"Thanks for watching him, Mr Gold, I hate to leave him alone, especially at Uncle Bruce's mansion. Last time he made a mess at the mansion...," Sarah blushed.

Gold chuckled "it's fine Sarah. He usually behaves for me. I can imagine your uncle not being too impressed with him making a mess."

"...yeah, he's very...curious."

George then grabbed a lime green valve curiously looking at it as Sarah said goodbye and was leaving.

"No! George!" Mr Gold gasped.

And the valve broke.

"Well...atleast it was not dangerous or important...," Gold sighed.

Sarah finally got to work. After her shift she called up a reservation at the Krusty Krab. Soon Arthur came at the diner.

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