Chapter 12...

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The ever so sexy Matt Bomer above ^^^ That's what he looks like looking Jenna at the end :)

The song above is amazing! But this cover is even better in my opinion. Go check him out! (:

Sorry not edited! Will edit tomorrow morning

The next morning, Monday, I forced myself to get up early so I could get a head start on today. It took me a while to get up because I spent most of the night tossing and turning. I couldn't get Liam out of my head and it was starting to drive me nuts. The look on his face when he pulled away from me and left still kept repeating in my mind. He look confused and lost. With all different kinds of emotions swirling inside of me I pushed them to the side as I got up.

Walking into the kitchen I decided I was going to spend the day redecorating. I had no idea what I wanted to do yet but at least I could go around and try to get an idea. Getting a cup of coffee I headed back to the living room first. Don't get me wrong the place is very nice but it didn't scream home. Nothing about the house did, it just seemed cold and lonely. All I wanted to do was either paint it a new color, or add some with furniture and pictures.

The clock read 7:45 as I walked around the living room taking in everything. The color of the room I loved, a deep blue color. The only thing I think the room needed was a few bright pictures and/or decorations scattered around. With a nod I turned and headed back down the hall. I knew I wasn't a designer but I had some fashion sense.

After looking in my room, the kitchen, and the library I realized none of them need anything to much done. Putting my coffee cup away I remembered there was a room next to mine I haven't been in. Opening the door I was met with what looked like another bedroom. It was painted a pastel purple color, which was weird, I could tell nobody has been in this room for a long time if ever, definitely not Liam. A cute desk sat off to the side, with a rolling chair. There wasn't much in the room beside the desk other then another small bedside table thing. A doorway lead to a pretty big bathroom and a hooked walk in closet inside.

I instantly knew this was the room I wanted to make-over. Knowing that this room wasn't used at all made me feel better because I was a little hesitant on changing a room of Liam's. This one wouldn't make him as pissed off as redoing the living would do. Grinning I looked around putting my hands on my hips, nodding. I could make this room something cool like my own study, or a good guest room. With my mind set I left the room already thinking of a color for the wall and what needed to be done. Walking into my own room I picked up my phone dialing Garrett to see if he could take me out shopping.

"Hey Jenna." He immediately answered.

"Hey Garrett. I have a favor I kind of need of you." I said sitting on the edge of my bed holding my phone.

"Sure what do you need?"

"Well I need a ride and someone to take me shopping."

"Didn't you go shopping with Lennon a few days ago?" He asked confused.

"Oh no I meant shopping to get paint and stuff. I am going to redecorate a room and need to get supplies and stuff. Could you possible drive me and come help?"

"Does Mr. Stanford know about this?"

"Uh..." I trailed off. "No."

I heard him chuckle through the phone. "I'll come help but I won't be there for at least 20 minutes or so."

"Thats okay I still need to shower and get dressed. Thank you Garrett." Saying bye for now I hung up and headed to go shower. If I was like most girls 20 minutes to get showered and dressed wouldn't be long enough but I could get ready in 10 minutes. I didn't wear makeup anyways so that's one less step to do and I usually just brush my hair and let it air dry.

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