Chapter 2

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Picture on side is of Matt Bomer. He plays Liam Stanford! Love him! ---->


I stood there in the middle of the sidewalk as the mystery man walked up to me. I had to tilt my head back so I could see his face. He must be 6'2 or 6'3 much taller than my 5'4 height. He looked a few years older than me maybe 23 or 24. My voice seemed to be stuck in my throat as I stared up at the man. His blue eyes stared down at me almost making me cower back. Standing this close to him was intimidating especially after seeing what he was wearing. A clean cut black suit jacket, a white button up shirt underneath with a dark blue tie that made his blue eyes darker, and a pair of black slacks with shiny black dress shoes. His brown hair was styled perfectly not a strand out of place and he had a 5 o'clock shadow covering his chin and cheeks. His lips looked so kissable that I nearly jumped on him. Everything about him screamed wealth and power. I could just feel the power radiating off of him as he practically glared at me.

"I need you to come with me." His deep velvety voice said. Finally after staring at him for a good couple of minutes I found my voice.

"W-what?" I stuttered out confused. This mysterious handsome man wanted me to get in the car with him?! Is he crazy?! I looked him up and down trying to find any sign of him being crazy but didn't find anything but a very expensive Rolex watch. Okay not crazy just crazy rich maybe.

"I need you to come with me." He said again slowly as if talking to a little kid. Hearing him talk down to me seemed to jerk me awake.

"Excuse me?! I am not going anywhere with you. I have no idea who you are. And don't talk down to me as if I'm stupid or a child." I said narrowing my grey eyes at him. I held my arms crossed across my chest as I glared up at him. I could see his jaw being clenched and his lips thinning as if he was trying not to yell.

"Jenna I need you to come with me. I have something to discuss with you." He said his voice hard. How does he know my name?! I thought to myself. He must have saw the look on my face for he said "I was at the club remember." Ohhhh.

I stood there in silence having an internal war with myself. One part of me wanted to go and see what he wanted while the other part was shouting a warning at me saying 'don't go'. Maybe he wants something from you? A voice said in the back of my mind. The thought of sleeping with this handsome stranger somehow seemed to turn me on. Jenna get your shit together! I yelled at myself.

"Jenna I promise you I will not harm you. All I want to do is talk to you for a few minutes than I will bring you back home." The man said interrupting my thoughts. The longer we stood out in the cold wind the weaker my resolve became.

"Are you a rapist?" I asked him.


"Are you a killer?"


"I will only get in the car if you tell me your name."

"Liam. Liam Stanford." He said raising an eyebrow at me almost expectedly What? Did he think I would immediately trust him or know his name? I thought angrily. He stepped to the side and gestured to the car with his hand. Sighing I walked to the car not feeling my hands or toes. Liam opened the door for me as I slide into the nice car. Liam slide in next to me and made a motion with his hand. I than noticed that there was a driver in the front seat. Wow he does have a lot of money.

I stared out the window as we drove down the street. The car ride was quiet as we drove to who knows where. I should be scared driving with a unknown man taking me to god knows where, but for some reason I really wasn't...stupid I know. About 10 minutes of complete silence we pulled up to wherever Liam wanted to go. The moment the car came to a stop Liam was already opening the door and stepped out. Now slightly scared I slowly slipped out and stood beside him. I quickly looked around and almost sighed in relief when I saw we were out front of a coffee place. While I was busy looking around Liam had already walked to the front door of the coffee shop and was impatiently waiting for me. I could already feel myself becoming done with his attitude. I walked past him and smelled the amazing smell of fresh ground coffee instantly surrounding me. Not bothering to wonder why this place is still open at 11:30 at night I walked to the front counter.

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