Chapter 26...

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Song on the side is Forget About You by R5. Thought it fit pretty well. 

The weekend flew by and before I knew it was Tuesday, the day I was meeting up with Lilly and Julie for wedding stuff. I was nervous to be alone with the two of them afraid that I may let something slip. I was also nervous about picking things out for a wedding that was a total hoax. It was 9 o'clock in the morning and I had to met them at 11 at some bridal shop. I wasn't quite sure what we were going to do but I had a feeling Lilly was going to go all out.

I was currently sitting by the window staring out at the backyard with a cup of coffee in my hand. Liam had left a while ago to go to work leaving me to the wolves. Lilly called me yesterday saying Liam was not allowed to come with us today since we may be picking out a wedding dress.

Ever since our date last Saturday and me realizing I was starting to fall for Liam it has been a little awkward around him. I couldn't look him in the eye. I was afraid he would figure it out and tell me to leave or that he didn't feel the same. I was an open book and knew it would be easy to read me. I had to get past my little crush on Liam before things started to get even more awkward. We've been really good these last 2 weeks and I didn't want to ruin it.

Deciding I have been staring out the window long enough and that I should go get dressed I set my feet on the cold tile heading to put my empty cup in the dishwasher. As I walked to my room I sighed at how empty the house was. It wasn't bad when Liam was here because I could talk to him but being here all alone just made the house more empty.

Once I was dressed in a casual pair of black leggings, a oversized cream sweater, and a pair of black boots I was ready to go. My blonde hair was down air drying, curled softly at the ends. I was twirling my ring around my finger standing in the middle of my room. Jenna you can do this. You've met Julie and Lilly before, and you know they are nice. Just be yourself and it will be fine. I chanted to myself. The ringing of my phone made me shake my head and grab it.


"Hi." Liam's voice said through the phone.

"Hey Liam. Is something wrong?" He usually doesn't call me.

"Nothing's wrong. I was just calling to tell you my driver will be picking you up here in a minute to meet my mother and sister."

"I thought your driver took you this morning?"

"I decided to take the Audi today. I just wanted to let you know so if you need anything just ask him, or call me. And don't let my mom and sister scare you okay? They have the tendency to go over the top and make you want to run for the hills." He chuckled through the phone.

"Don't worry I think I can handle them." I smiled through the phone.

"I know you can. Just remember you don't have to say anything you are not comfortable with or do. And if they get too personal just tell them to back off, if not I can tell them to stop."

"Liam I think I'll be okay. Your mother and sister will be fine. I will let you know when I am back home kay? I better get going I don't want to be late." I said glancing at the clock on my bedside table.

"Okay have fun and... I'll uh talk to you later." Liam finished.

"Have fun at work. Bye Liam." I said hanging up. It was times like that I wondered if Liam really did care or if he was just worried that I would spill the beans on our deal again.

With one last look around my room making sure I had everything and making sure I looked okay, I grabbed my bag and headed towards the front door. Opening the door I saw the black Cadillac that Liam's driver drove. Shutting the door behind me I locked the door and headed for the car. Last week Liam gave me a set of keys to the house since he trusted me now. As soon as I got close to the car the driver side door opened and a middle aged man stepped out. He looked about medium height with light brown hair. He looked to be about 40 or so.

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