Chapter 3

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I didn't know that when I agreed to marry Liam I would also be signing over my soul to the devil. A few days after I made the deal a couple of big men came to my apartment around 9 o'clock in the morning and started packing my things up. When I started to protest they simply told me Mr. Stanford had paid them to come here and start gathering my stuff. They said Mr. Stanford wanted things to be mostly packed away by the end of the week. With it being Wednesday that was practically impossible to do, plus I didn't want some random guys going through my stuff. After a few minutes of arguing with the movers, well of me mostly threatening them, they agreed to come back tomorrow. The moment they left I grabbed some quarters and left my apartment. I headed down to a pay phone down the street fully intending on giving Liam a piece of my mind. Man I really need to get a phone. I thought to myself as I put in some quarters and dialed the gross buttons. The moment Liam answered I started yelling.

"Liam Stanford what were you thinking?! You think you can send some random movers to my apartment and let them tell me I'm suddenly moving?!"

"Jenna-" Liam started but I cut him off.

"No Liam just because I agreed to be your fake wife does not mean you get to run my life! If you want me to move you have to tell me directly. Now why do you want me to move?" I ranted pausing to hear his answer.

"You will be moving into my house, with me." His answer was curt and rude. "I will resend the movers there to give you boxes to pack and by Friday morning they will be moving all your stuff into my place. I do not want your furniture so only your clothes. Leave everything else that can not be packed into boxes. You will need to quit your job at the club, 'my wife' would never be seen working there." There was a moment of silence and I opened my mouth to protest but his voice cut me off. "Oh and not ever yell at me again." His voice hard. With that he hung up on me. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared down at it.

What the-


The movers were back at my apartment an hour later with boxes to pack my stuff in. After telling them I did not need any help I sent them away. I sat on my couch and just stared at the wall. Moving, quitting my jobs, so far agreeing to marry Liam is not turning out the way I wanted. Since I didn't have to work until 2 I had a few hours or so before going to the diner, I started packing some of my things. I started packing stuff in my bedroom first seeing that I have the most stuff in there. I honestly don't have much and not moving my bed or couch into Liam's lessens the load.

About an hour and a half later I sat on the floor with about 5 boxes all around me. My room looked practically bare and I couldn't help but sigh.

"How pathetic. I already packed almost all my bedroom stuff and my bathroom and it only took 5 boxes to do so." I said out loud to myself. I left out the stuff I would need for the next 2 days but the rest was already packed away. I guess not having money or a real home you don't need much to get by. I may have to call Liam and have him bring the workers tomorrow instead of Friday. I thought to myself. Seeing the time I got up and changed my outfit into my work uniform.

I wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye to the few friends I have made at both my jobs, I will miss them more than the job itself. I don't even know what I am going to do when I'm living with Liam but I guess I'll just have to find something to keep me occupied. I walked to Ruby's trying to think of the best way of telling Pete I was leaving. After my shift I will. I said to myself and nodded, that sounded like the best option. Walking through the front doors I breathed in smell of the diner one last time. The smell of grease and hamburgers filled my nose. I smiled and made my way to the counter to put my stuff away. Thankfully Sophia was working today so I could tell her goodbye. I didn't work tomorrow and who knew when I would last see her, or if I'd see her at all after I left.

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