Chapter 19

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Kind of important A/N at the end

I had given my first kiss to Liam and in the moment I didn't regret it at all. 

I stared at Liam after we pulled away from the kiss. My lips were tingling and felt swollen. In fact my whole body felt like it was tingling and my knees were threatening to give out from under me. Since that was my first kiss I had nothing to compare it too but I knew Liam was experience and with the way he was acting it had to be good. Right? He was staring down at me almost in shock or even surprise. 

The longer he stood there staring at me in silence the worry that the kiss wasn't good or that he would turn away from me was starting to grow. I was still pressed tight against him, my heart beating hard in my chest. Automatically I moved my head back waiting for Liam to blow up and start yelling at me. 

"Okay enough smoochy smoochy. Time to take pictures with the rest of the wedding party." Leonardo's voice said interrupting Liam and I's staring contest. With Liam's silence dragging out even more I felt my heart start to sink. He thinks the kiss was a mistake. He will probably yell at me the moment we get home so his parents don't think anything is wrong between us. Pushing back the tears that wanted to fall from my eyes I swallowed the lump in my throat. It was stupid of me to think Liam would like or want to kiss me. I'm so repulsive that the moment after I kissed him he regretted it. Just as I was starting to move out of Liam's strong hold he surprised me by laying a small kiss on my lips again before unwrapping his arms from my waist. 

I stood there shocked trying to process the fact Liam just voluntarily kissed me, again. He wasn't running away or yelling at me in fact he was looking down at me with a small smile on his face. Holding his hand out I slide mine inside his swallowing the shock I was feeling. Instead of feeling shocked I need to relish in the fact that he was acting normal around me. I trailed along side of him as we walked back to the house, the silence around us actually comfortable. The moment we stepped into the house everyone stood up, Lennon shot me a wide grin like she knew what just happened. Next to her Blake smiled winking at Liam and I. 

"Liam go and put this on under your dress shirt." Blake said throwing something blue towards Liam who caught it one handed. He nodded like he knew what it was before sending me a small smile and dropping my hand heading to the bathroom to change. I stared after him my emotions going everywhere. Maybe this is what Lennon was talking about how Liam is great once you get to know him.

"Bridesmaids and groomsmen come here." Leonardo's voice yelled even though we were all right there. Taking my eyes away from where Liam went I looked over at Leonardo but my eyes were drawn to the new person. He was cute, very cute actually. Standing next to Blake he was the same height maybe an inch shorter with short light brown hair. I could only see half of his face but from here I could see a great jawline. There is something about jawlines that are hot on guys. He was dressed like Liam and Blake, a white dress shirt, that showed his well built arms, and black dress pants. I stood there wondering who he is and why he was here not hearing a word being said by Leonardo. I felt a soft nudge on my arm so I pulled my eyes away from the new guy and saw Liam standing next to me looking the same as he did before. 

"Ready to go?" He asked. 

"Uh what?" I asked confused. 

"You didn't hear a word he said did you?" Liam asked a grin spreading across his face. 

"No of course I did. I just didn't hear you." I lied lifting my chin up and folding my arms across my chest turning to face him. 

"Uh huh." He looked at me with a smirk knowing that I was lying. "Then where are we going?" He took a step closer to me. The proximity of him so close to me made my mouth dry and my mind blank for a minute. "Jenna." He taunted. 

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