Chapter 36...

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I love this cover someone sent me! Doesn't the guy look hot!?! I am so sorry but I forgot who sent me this so if you made it please comment or message me you did! I want to give you the acknowledgement for it! <3

Song on the side is Holding Out For A Hero by Ella Mae Bowen. I love this version and I felt like this is kind of how Jenna thinks of Liam. :)

Liam's POV

"How did the meeting go?" My father asked through the phone.

"It went well everything is going well." I answered clicking on my emails while talking with him.

"So well that you had to stay there an extra 3 days?" I knew he and my mother would find out that Jenna and I were gone for 4 days when it was suppose to be a one day trip. "And did it involve a women?"

I could hear the teasing tone in his voice and groaned inwardly. My father always found ways to tease me and always found things out. It was probably my mom's idea to spy on Jenna and I.

"Yes dad Jenna and I spent 3 extra days in Barbados. Happy?" I said pinching the bridge of my nose. I loved my dad but sometimes he can really get on my nerves.

"And you just got back yesterday?"

"Dad why are you even asking if you already know the answer?"

"Just curious son."

"Is that the only reason you called me today? I do have work to do you know."

"I know I just wanted to check in. Your mother wants you and Jenna over on Friday for dinner around 5 or so."

"Thanks for the three day heads up dad." I said sarcastically.

"Just passing the message on. Apparently your sister has some news to tell us too."

"Okay thanks dad. Tell mom we will be there around 5. I better go dad I have a meeting in a few minutes."

"Sounds good. Tell Jenna hi from us and see you on Friday." With that my dad hung up. I set my phone down and rubbed my forehead. Glancing at my phone I saw it was only 1. Only a few more hours and I can go home to be with Jenna. I smiled fondly at my screensaver. It was a picture of Jenna and I when we were covered in flour and eggs from the other night. Jenna was smiling widely at the camera while I was smiling down at her.

Taking her with me to Barbados was the best decision I have ever made honestly. The entire time we spent there I was the happiest I have ever been, literally. After I learned that Devon was Grayson's boyfriend I was fine with him being around Jenna. He was one less person that would steal her away from me.

If someone had told me a few months ago that I would be as happy as I am now and thinking of settling down I would have laughed in their face. So unlike me I can see myself with Jenna 10 years from now. Us having little kids running around the house, Jenna greeting me as I come home from work. I was starting to become one of those love struck guys I use to hate.

All that was ever important to me was taking over my fathers business. Sure I wanted to play football or some other sport when I was in high school but I soon realized that I was just a dream. All that mattered was doing a great job and making my father proud of me. Making him want to pass the company over to me, not because I was his son and he had to.

The past 4 years I have never really taken anything serious besides work. I use to go through women like people go through toilet paper and I wasn't ashamed to admit that. Drinking almost every night and hooking up with random women was what I did. I use to think that being 24 was the right age to be screwing off and living 'life to the fullest'. But ever since I met Jenna I haven't felt that way or done any of that stuff. Well apart from the last girl a few months ago.

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