Chapter 27..

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Not Edited!!

dedicated to @iamsarahy for the amazing banner above! I love it!!! Song on the side is Falling for You by Colbie Caillat <3


Lennon's POV

6 years ago....

The day started off just like every one before that but thankfully it was Thursday. I got up 15 minutes late making me rush to get ready for school. I didn't have time to shower so I quickly threw my brown hair into a messy ponytail before putting on a pair of black skinny jeans and a cute light pink top. With a little bit of makeup on I slide my flats on before grabbing my bag and phone booking it out the door. Yelling a quick 'bye' to my parents I jumped in my car and drove to school. I would have caught a ride with Liam and Blake but they had to go to school early today for football practice.

Pulling into the school parking lot I quickly made my way inside the building with a few other late people. Thankfully I didn't need any books for my first class if not I'd be late. I barely made it into my seat when the late bell rang. With an inaudible groan I got my stuff out as my teacher started talking.

The only reason I could stand coming to school was because I had 2 great best friends who made it bearable. Thankfully they were in my all but 2 of my classes. Blake, Liam and I have been friends since we were in first grade. I had just moved here with my parents and were being picked on by some of the kids because I was new when Blake come to my rescue. He made the kids stop instantly. After making sure I was okay he asked if I wanted to hang out with him and his friend from now on. Now juniors in high school together we are rarely seen apart.

Heading to my locker I grinned seeing a familiar person leaning against it. He was dressed in his usual low ride jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his frame. For only being 17 he was pretty muscular and towered among the students. It is really because of football that he is in great shape. His blonde hair was wet from a shower he must have taken after practice this morning and he had on a friendly smile.

"Is thee Blake William's waiting at my locker for me?" I asked dramatically coming to a stop in front of him.

"Why yes I am. You should feel very flattered." I answered back smiling at me. I ignored the small flutter in my stomach at it. Going up to him I shoved his huge body to the side so I could get to my locker.

"Move it fatty." I muttered barely making him move.

"Hey I am not fat! I am all muscle." Blake said flexing his arm to show me. Rolling my eyes I squeezed past him twisting my locker combo. Pulling out my calculus book and my history one I slammed my locker shut. "What did that locker ever do to you?"

"It's fine. I think the hard metal will live to see another day. Come on we are going to be late to class." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him after me. The whole way down the hall Blake whined about going to class even though we both knew Math was his best subject.

"Blake stop whining! You sound like a girl when you do that." I said taking my seat near the back of the class. The further away from my math teacher the better. Ms. Patty, great name isn't it, hated me for some reason. I don't know what I ever did to her but she tries to catch me doing something every chance she gets. I swear she just watches me and if I blink I will get a detention. Of course though Blake was her star student and never once was rude to him. Stupid bitch. I thought. Seeing Ms. Patty's eyes glaring at me. Almost as if she heard that her eyes narrowed even more.

"So game night tonight?" Blake's voice jerked my head in his direction.

"Yeah of course." Every Thursday night Blake, Liam and I had a game night or movie night. We couldn't do it on Friday's because they either had a game, or late practice or there were parties going on. This has been our tradition since we started middle school.

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