Chapter 40...

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Not edited!!! 

Sorry for the long wait! I wanted to make sure this chapter was great for you guys! Hope you enjoy. :)

Song is Long Time Coming by Oliver James. Felt like it fit perfectly! 

Thank you to whoever made the cover above! <3

*** Authors Note at the end. PLEASE READ! VERY IMPORTANT! ***

Happy Reading! 

Liam's POV

2 more days passed making it a full week since I last saw Jenna. I wanted more than anything to go and find her but with the doctors order to stay here for a little while longer I couldn't. If I had it my way I would have left the moment I woke up. While I was here my father was off 'investigating' the so called accident. I don't know if I believed that it was an accident or not. Yes I was pissed that Jenna and I both got hurt, but I was more angry that Jenna was gone. Gone with no word to anyone this past week.

These last few days have been pretty quiet. Blake and Lennon came by a few times to check up on me and to give me the same news about Jenna, that they couldn't find her yet. My father came a couple of times telling me information about the car that hit us. Even Julie had come in once my parents called her I was up. She wasn't as hurt as my mother was finding out the truth about Jenna but she didn't say much when she was here. In fact she seemed fine with it. And my mother, well I haven't seen her since I yelled at her 2 days ago. I felt bad that I did yell but it was her fault Jenna was gone. If she hadn't said awful things to her Jenna would be right here beside me.

Currently I was sitting up staring down at a piece of paper with Jenna's handwriting. Lennon had brought it with her a few days ago after going to my house. She said she found it on the bed along with most of her stuff gone. I couldn't think my heart could have broken anymore after reading the note but it has. Every time I re-read it my heart sinks lower in my chest.

She wanted me to move on and forget her. Like hell I would or could! How could I just simply move on after being with her? There's no way I could ever forget Jenna and I didn't want to. Come hell or high water I will find her and have her be mine again. Even if she resists I will remind her. The moment I was free from this hospital I will find her. She couldn't have gone far.

A knock on the door and the sound of footsteps made me glance up from the piece of paper.

"Liam?" A familiar voice called. My mothers head came into view a second later. As she came closer I noticed she looked tired, big bags were under her eyes and her blonde hair was pulled into ponytail; something she never did unless she was cleaning. I looked away as she came to a stop in front of my bed. Shifting so I was sitting up with my arm against me in a sling.

"Liam I..." My mom started to say but stopped. I knew I couldn't hate my mother forever but I couldn't help but still be. "I am sorry." I glanced up at her. Her expression was pained and I could see tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I know I shouldn't have said those things to Jenna. I was so upset that you got hurt, this was exactly how I felt when you got really hurt playing football. I can't lose my only son. Jenna just happened to be the person I took my anger out on. This last week has given me plenty of time to think about what I did and I couldn't be more sorry." She came around to the side of my hospital bed. I watched her my own heart aching seeing her start to cry. No one likes to see their mother cry.

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