Chapter 39...

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Not edited! It is like midnight where I am and I am so tired so sorry for any of the mistakes. 

Love this cover @QueenDisneyBiatch  Thank you to everyone who sends me covers! I wish I could show them all! They all are incredible!!!! <3 <3 

Song on the side is My Heart I Surrender by I Prevail. I love this song!!! <3 

AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE THERE IS A THING CALLED EXTERNAL LINK! CLICK ON THAT AND IT WILL BRING YOU TO THE TRAILER THAT THE WONDERFUL @twikle001 made for this book! If you can't click on it let me know and I will give you the link. It is so cool!!

Liam's POV

I could hear voices all around me. I couldn't quite place them but they were slowly starting to become louder. All I could see was black, everything around me encased in nothing. I could feel myself starting to panic at being able to see anything. Am I blind? Where am I? I know I am home in my bed so why can't I see?

A few minutes later I could feel a hard uncomfortable bed underneath my body. I could still hear the voices and they were getting closer to my head. I realized in that moment that I had my eyes closed and that I really wasn't blind. Struggling I tried to open my eyes but it felt like they were glued together. Gritting my teeth together I forced my heavy eyelids to finally open.

Of course I wasn't expecting bright light to welcome me and immediately shut them again, a groan escaping my lips. Pain radiated in my throat, my mouth feeling like cotton and like I hadn't had water in years.

"Honey?" Came a familiar feminine voice.

"Jenna?" I croaked out. Her face flashed in my mind and a loopy smile graced my lips.

"Liam?" The same voice asked again. Wanting to see Jenna's face I peeled my eyes back open glad to see it was slightly darker in here now. My eyes slowly focused and landed on my mothers concern face. As she noticed I saw her, her face relaxed and she slumped forward. "Mom?"

"Your awake!" A few tears ran down her face. I turned my head and saw my father standing on the other side of me and an unknown man in front of my hospital bed. Wait? Hospital bed?! 

"Where am I?" I croaked out through my dry throat.

"Here drink this." I gently took the plastic cup filled with water from my mom. My hand had an IV in it as I raised the glass to my lips. I looked down and noticed my left arm was in a cast and sling. What the-

"Liam I am Doctor Marshall. Do you remember how you got here?" The guy at the foot of my bed asked. I raked my brain trying to remember.

"I remember me and Jenna coming home from eating dinner at my parents house but that's it." I said. I could tell there was something I should know about but I couldn't quite grasp it.

"Don't stress yourself trying to remember. Get some rest, your body is still exhausted from healing." He looked over at my parents. "I am going to have a nurse come in a check his vitals and blood pressure. If all is good he can be out in a few days time." With a nod to me he left the room.

"So happy you are awake." My mom said leaning in and giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"What happened?" I asked. I watched as both of my parents shared a look.

"Don't worry about it right now. Just try and get some rest. Do you want anything; more water, some jello?"

"Mom-" I started to say but by the look she sent me I shut up. I wanted to argue and demand to know what happened but before I could a nurse came into the room.

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