Chapter 37...

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Song on the side is Rob Thomas Hold On Forever. I saw him in concert last weekend for like the hundredth time and he is amazing! If you haven't heard of him he is also in the band called Matchbox Twenty. Go and check out his songs! He is so amazing! And he is the one who tweeted me back a few weeks ago :)

Whoever made this cover for me you rock! I love it!! <3 <3 <3 <3

Warning I am so sorry please don't hate me!!!

Happy Reading! :)

3 days has past since my encounter with my mother. The days have gone by pretty well mostly thanks to Liam. From the moment we went to a cute ice cream parlor by his office to now he has tried to get my mind of my mom. And honestly it has worked...until now.

Liam's speech about my mother made me fall in love with him even more, even though I thought that was impossible. If I thought he didn't care for me now, I was mistake . And if these last few days haven't shown that then I don't know what would.

Everyday he would pamper me with kisses and telling me how beautiful I was. Not a day went by that he didn't show me some kind of affection and not a night went by either.

Liam has done a great job at not letting me think of Karen but now that he is at work and I was home I was alone with my thoughts. Certain thoughts that wouldn't leave no matter what I did. I was curled up in the bungalow with a blanket wrapped around me, oblivious to how cold it was. Having been out here all morning and now afternoon I was replaying everything from my childhood to now. Everything from when I was with my mom to being all alone. A part of me wanted to forgive her and slowly start making amends but the other part was saying 'no way in hell'.

But the big question was how could I forgive someone like that? Someone who really only cares for their self. My mind and heart were in a battle trying to decide what I should do.

Wrapping the blanket tighter around me I stared across the yard. I was slowly starting to get colder and I knew we were almost to the winter months. My mind finally drifted away from my mother for a moment as I thought about Liam. With the cold weather almost here I could see Liam and I cuddled together on the couch, drinking hot chocolate while watching cheesy romantic movies. I may have been stretching there but I could see it. Just the thought of it made my heart warm up.

I didn't know what time was, but I knew I should probably head inside to start getting ready. Tonight Liam and I are going over to his parents house for dinner. His sister, Julie texted me yesterday asking if I was coming for dinner and that she was finally going to tell her parents and Liam about going into nursing. She wanted me there as support and I was touched she wanted me there as well. I knew she was nervous about telling them but I knew they would understand. They were her family after all.

With a sigh I finally got up wrapping the blanket tighter around me. Even though it was sunny with a few clouds it was getting chilly. I absolutely hated New York's winter season. It was way too cold for my liking but I had to admit it was pretty when snow fell and make everything so white and new. Plus with it getting cold that just means it was getting closer to christmas time.

My feet clad in socks I made my way through the backyard and into the warm house. Even though I have tried to make the place homey it still didn't feel quite there yet but ever so slowly it was. Passing by the kitchen I noticed it was a little after 3, leaving me plenty of time to have a bath before getting ready to go.

After getting the bath all ready I slipped out of my pjs, yes I was still in them, and slide into the warm water. Liam's bath tub was to die for. It was large enough to fit maybe 4 people comfortably, and it even had jets along the inside. Before I got in I put some music on.

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