Bonus Chapter 2...

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Not edited!! Sorry it is past midnight where I am and I don't have the energy to edit right now. 

Thank you @KimZahra for the great cover above! Perfect picture of the characters! 

Song above is I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann'll know when you get to the part. Will forever be a great song. (As well as My Wish by Rascal Flatts) 

5 Years Later....

"Okay now who wants to try doing it backwards?" I asked smiling at my class. Instantly all 20 kids jumped up and down in their seats, raising their hands for me to pick on them. My first grade class was filled with excited 5-6 year old kids all wanting to try.

"Hmmm how about Dylan first." I gestured for the cute redhead to start. As he slowly made his way through the alphabet backwards I occasionally helped out. With only a little bit of help he made it through the entire thing. "Good job!" Since he was the first person to do the alphabet backwards I walked towards him handing him a sucker.

Giving occasional sweets to kids really helps motivated them to participate in class and to pay attention. It wasn't everyday I give out something but since today was Friday I was making the exception.

Ever since I started teaching 2 years ago I have never felt so great. Knowing that I was making a small difference in a child's life was really something. There was no better feeling than seeing a a kid understand something that you just taught them.

After I graduated 3 years ago it took a little bit before I found a job at a good school. Liam of course wanted to pull some strings for me but I flat out refused. I wanted to get the job on my own, not because I was married to Liam Stanford. It took a few months before I finally did get one at Hughes Elementary school. Since I became a teacher here I have loved every second of it.

Once everyone had a chance and got a sucker the bell rang for the end of the day. Immediately once the clock hit 1:30 parents came flooding into the room to pick up their children. The only downside to teaching is dealing with the parents. Most of the time they were nice and understanding but then every once in a while you got the one that thought whatever you did was wrong, and that you were teaching their child wrong. They didn't want to believe their child acted out in class or was having a hard time concentrating. Thankfully for me this years class parents weren't bad.

Saying bye to everyone and receiving a few hugs from a few kids, they all trailed out of my classroom. Once everyone was gone I looked around the room seeing paper on the floor, a few crayons as well. Sighing I got to work cleaning the room up and getting it ready for the janitors.

As I was wiping the whiteboard I felt a wave of nausea hit me. I gripped the corner of my desk taking deep breaths. My head whirled a little making me close my eyes. Ever so slowly the feeling went away. These last couple of days I haven't been feeling the hottest. I've felt tired, have a headache, feeling like I want to throw up. It was probably some virus or something I caught here. That is also another down side to teaching, whatever the kids have you are bound to get as well.

Once I was feeling okay I quickly finished up cleaning the room before grabbing my stuff. Thankfully it was the weekend which meant hanging out at home in my pjs. I was looking forward to winter break soon so I could have some time off to be with Liam.

Saying bye to some other teachers as they left I unlocked my car and started on my way home. I pushed aside how I got sick and thought about my weekend. I was really looking forward to just hanging out with Liam. We have both been busy with work and by time we both get home and make dinner we are too tired to really do anything. Adult life I tell you.

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