Bonus Chapter 3...

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Song above is 18 by One Direction. It fits perfectly! 

Blake and Lennon above! 

Lennon's POV

Today was the day! The day that Blake was finally taking me on a date! I have waited for this day for over 6 years and that it is finally here I am excited...well more like scared. Having dreamt of this forever I didn't expect it to really happen and now that it has I don't know what to do or even think.

Two days ago when I came home from work I found Blake sitting at my doorstep waiting for me. In his hands were a dozen lilies, my favorite flower, and a big box of what looked like chocolates. When I noticed him I froze because I haven't really seen him since we confessed our feelings to one another almost a week ago. Now here he was sitting there for god knows how long waiting for me.

"Blake?" I asked coming closer. His blonde head snapped up and met my confused gaze.

"Lennon." He breathed out straightening up.

"What are you doing here?" I came to a stop in front of him, tilting my head up to actually see him. He was a good foot taller then me.

"I uh...can we go inside first?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Still slightly confused I nodded moving past him to the door. Blake trailed behind me his hands full with the flowers and the box of chocolates. Setting my keys on the counter and slipping off my jacket I turned to him.

"So what are you doing here?" I eyed the stuff in his hands. I didn't want to assume things and think they were for me, but I was pretty certain they were.

"Oh these are for you." He shoved them in my direction. I grinned at his behavior as I took them. I've never seen Blake so awkward around someone. It made me feel special that he was like that around me. I brought the lilies to my nose while setting the chocolates on the counter.

"Thank you. They are beautiful." I said sending him a smile. This was the sweetest gesture anyone has ever done for me. Turning I hid my blushing cheeks as I set the flowers on the counter for now.

"Lennon." It took me a minute to calm my heart and my flaming cheeks then I turned around. "For a while now I have wanted to ask you..." He trailed off. I could see a hint of red on his face. At his words I could feel my heart starting to beat faster. Spit it out already! I mentally yelled as I waited for him. 

"Will you go on a date with me?" He finally spat out. I tried hard to force my smile back but it didn't work. Instantly a smile brighter then the sun graced my lips. Blake had finally asked me on a date! A date!

"Yes!" I yelled before I could stop myself. "I mean that would be cool." He grinned at my response.

"Great! Are you free in this Saturday?" I quickly thought of my schedule then nodded. I didn't even care if I had something to do on that day. It wasn't going to stop me from going on a date with Blake. "Sounds good. I have to go but I'll come by a pick you up around 11 is that okay?"

"That sounds good. I'll be ready." We awkwardly stood there staring at one another not really knowing if we should hug or just say bye.

"Well...dress comfortable okay?" I had no words so I just nodded. When more awkward silence enveloped around us Blake said a quick goodbye and left. The moment the door shut I was jumping up and down screaming like a lunatic. It seemed like everything was starting to look up, finally.

Now I was standing in front of my closet trying to find something to wear. Something that was comfortable yet sexy. I didn't want to be underdressed or look like a hobo on my first date with Blake. 6 years of waiting for this I couldn't waste the opportunity. You would think that being a makeup artist and fashion expert, as is my job, I would be able to figure something out to wear but it was impossible. Everything I had tried on felt uncomfortable or just looked bad.

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