Chapter 17

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Sorry for any mistakes it is like 11:30 and I am half awake. Hope you enjoy it :)

"Where have you been?" I froze holding a sleeping Sky in my arms. Didn't expect Liam to home so soon. Slowly I turned around and found Liam standing there his arms folded across his chest. I looked him up and down finding him really attractive at the moment even though he was staring at me angrily. He was dress in a dark blue suit jacket and dress pants, a light blue almost white dress shirt with a skinny tie around his neck but loosened. His brown hair was slicked back and to the side.

"Jenna where were you? And who is that?" He asked again and looked down at Sky in my arms.

"I was kidnapping a child." I said sarcastically before I could stop myself.

"Jenna." He warned his voice hard.

"Liam chill I was with Lennon. Let me put her down than we can talk." I quietly hissed at him. Ignoring Liam I turned and headed to my room. With one hand I peeled back my sheets and gently laid Sky down, grabbing her new teddy bear and her other unicorn stuffed animal I put them around her before pulling the sheets around her little body. Smiling softly down at her I laid a kiss to her forehead before turning around. Silencing a scream that wanted to come out of my mouth I glared at Liam who was right behind me.

"What are you doing sneaking up on me like that!" I hissed at him.

"Who is she?" He asked ignoring my question completely.

"Her name is Sky."

"Who does she belong too?"

"Jeez Liam she isn't a dog." I rolled my eyes. I watched him looking at Sky almost kindly and with curiosity. I decided to mess with him a little bit. "She is mine." Just as I wanted his head whipped in my direction.

"She is your child!" He all but yelled.

"Quiet down!" I grabbed his arm and hauled him out of the room and closed the door quietly behind me.

"You have a child!? When? How?" He sputtered out. I bit back a grin as I made my way to the kitchen for a drink. It was time for a little fun with him. I thought almost evilly.

"I had her during High School." I said grabbing a glass and getting some water from the fridge.

"So you didn't finish high school? And that is why you had to have those awful jobs." Liam said in realization. I rolled my eyes with my back turned to him. "Wait so where has she been since you have been here?" I froze but quickly stopped myself.

"She was with a friend."

"Man I really did choose the wrong girl. You have a fucking daughter!" Turning around I saw him running his hands through his hair and his mouth wide open. He actually believes that Sky is my daughter. I knew I shouldn't be so happy to see him like this but I was. "I hope you know she can't stay with us. I don't want a little whiny child running around."

"Hey! Sky isn't whiny, she is very well behaved. It's not like you're home anyways." I shot at him.

"Jenna why did you never tell me you had a daughter!" He shot back. Okay never mind this isn't going to plan, he is getting really upset about it.

"Good god Liam it was a joke!" I finally said seeing him get so worked up about it.

"What?" He snapped his eyes up at me confused.

"Sky isn't mine! She is my friends daughter and I'm just watching her today." I admitted staring straight at him.

"She isn't your daughter." He said slowly like he wasn't getting it.

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