Chapter 16...

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Sky Above ^^^^^^

Song on side is Brother by NeedToBreathe. It has nothing to do with story but I am currently in love with it!

Enjoy :)

That night all I did was toss and turn. No matter what I did I couldn't get comfortable and I couldn't get Liam's words out of my head. He was right and that was the problem. The words that are true are the cruelest; because deep down you know it and it scares you. They are always the words that hurt you the most. I finally gave up around 3 o'clock in the morning knowing that it was no use to try and sleep. Feeling confined in my room I threw my sheets off, grabbing a light sweater and quietly padded to my door. Praying it wouldn't squeak I opened it and nodded when it didn't. With one place on my mind I tip toed down the hallway to the kitchen.

Throwing on my sweater I opened the back door and headed outside towards the gazebo. The light breeze blew across my bare legs as I made my way around the pool, the glow of the moon guiding me. The air was kind of cold making me wrap my sweater tighter around my tank topped upper body. A few pieces of my hair blew in my face that had fallen from my messy bun.

I finally made it to the gazebo and took at seat on the bench. Pulling my knees to my chest I wrapped my arms around them. I closed my eyes breathing in the fresh air and felt my body finally relax. My mind starting shutting down only concentrating on being outside instead of what happened yesterday. Even though it was 3 o'clock in the morning I was wide awake.

Opening my eyes I leaned to my left looking up at the moonlit sky. Because we were a little outside of the city I could see some stars above me. Seeing the dark sky only lit by the moon made everything seem so peaceful and mystical. For some odd reason I have always loved the night more than the day time. Being dark outside it is easier to hide your feelings, your demons and even your thoughts; but during the day time everything can be seen and picked apart. It was easy shielding yourself at night. When I was younger I use to climb on the roof of the home and stare at the stars in the middle of the night. I felt safer and peaceful watching the stars twinkle and seeing an airplane slowly make its way across the sky. Even though the next morning I would be tired and barely awake during class I didn't care.

Leaning my head back against the wood of the gazebo I closed my eyes listening to the sound of crickets and the wind blowing through the yard. I don't know how long I stayed out there with my eyes closed and slowly drifting off to sleep. The rise of the sun jerked me awake and I groggily sat up looking around. My back was stiff from being in the same position all night. With a small groan I stood up and stretched hearing my body crack. It was probably only 6 o'clock in the morning and I was more than happy to head back to bed. With my eyes half closed I made my way back to the house.

The sound of glass clinking reached my ears as I stepped onto the patio. I knew Liam was up but I had no intention of seeing and talking to him unless told otherwise. Not bothering to even knock so I don't scare him I opened the door and walked into the kitchen. I didn't miss the surprise and confused look on his face as I walked by him half asleep. He stood frozen watching me with a cup of coffee in his hand. Without a glance in his direction I walked out of the kitchen and to my room. Without taking my jacket off I plopped down on the bed and was out in seconds.


The sound of my cellphone ringing brought me out of my dreamless sleep. Groaning I turned over and blindly reached for my phone my eyes still closed. After almost dropping it twice I finally grabbed it and brought it to my ear.

"Hello?" I croaked out my voice deep with sleep. Man I sound like I smoke 3 packs a day.

"Jenna where have you been?! I have been calling and texting without an answer from you." A familiar high pitch voice yelled into my ear.

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