Chapter 14...

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Chains by Nick Jonas above. I love this song.

"What do we have here?" The new guy's deep voice asked laced with amusement.

I turned back to Liam our lips almost touching each other. Realizing he was staring at me waiting for me to get off of him I scrambled up. In one smooth motion Liam got up standing next to me. Lennon and the new guy continued to stare at us and grin. Lennon had her phone in her hand pointed at us.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asking crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well I heard you were engaged. Which is quite the shock since i've never even met the girl." The guy said looking over at me. I felt his eyes trailing over my body from head to toe.

"Blake come on don't be mad." Lennon said next to him putting her small hand on his bicep. Blake? As in Lennon's crush and Liam's best friend? He looked down at her and I saw him nod slightly.

"Guess we don't have to ask what you guys have been doing. You know the paint goes on the wall right?" Lennon said gesturing between us two. I looked over at Liam and bit back a grin. We looked ridiculous honestly.

"Jenna started it." Liam suddenly said. I turned to him with my jaw hanging down.

"Hey! I didn't mean to! You technically started it by going after me." I defended turning to my side pointing my finger at him.

"You put hand prints on my chest!"

"Well you put hand prints on my ass!" I yelled back turning and showing Lennon and Blake. I heard both of them bust out laughing making me look at them with narrowed eyes.

"Don't make me come over there guy I don't know." I warned taking a step closer to him. All he did was raise and eyebrow at me before turning back to Liam.

"Well if you guys are done with your paint war we came over to see if you wanted to get something to eat for dinner." Lennon said. "But if you want to continue flirting than by all means go ahead." I blushed looking anywhere but at Liam. The only reason I was blushing was because earlier I was having bad thoughts when I shouldn't have. Hey I'm a girl and a hot man was standing next to me its unreasonable to not have any kinds of those thoughts.

"We weren't flirting." Liam bit out next to me. Peeking over at him I noticed he stance wasn't as relaxed as it was a minute ago, his fists were curling into fists, and his jaw was clenched. My heart sunk at the sight. It was nice while it lasted. I thought. Should have known Liam being nice was to good to be true. "I'm going to go shower." With that he headed for the door, Lennon and Blake moving far away for him to get by, and down the hall. I stared after him an unknown feeling entering my chest. The sight of him walking away from me actually hurt.

Jenna stop! You can not be getting feelings for Liam. He is never nice to you and when he does talk to you its to berate you. Stop whatever it is you are thinking. I told myself.

There is no way I have feelings for Liam and if I do it's anger. It is just a moment of weirdness that is going on. Liam being nice to me just threw me off that's all. I just need to shower and wash off this paint than I will be fine. Looking up I saw both Lennon and Blake looking at me with odd expressions. Shifting awkwardly from foot to foot I glanced around.

"Im just going to..." I trailed off and headed out the door to my room. I quickly made my way to my room so I wouldn't drip paint on the tile. Shutting the door I went to the bathroom and started the water. I glanced in the mirror and looked away but ended up doing a double take. My green eyes widened at my reflection. My blonde hair was absolutely covered with red paint, my face was splattered with it and even some running down the side of my jaw. Almost every inch of my bare shoulders, arms, and tank top was covered. I could see why Lennon and Blake were staring at me as well as Liam.

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