Chapter 15...

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The song on the side "She's Kinda Hot" by 5 Seconds of Summer has nothing to do with the chapter I am just in love with it at the moment :)

As we walked into McDonalds I was hit with the smell of cheap fast food and the sound of kids yelling. It had been a while since I've been here and the smell of fresh fries filled my nose making my stomach growl loudly. The place was pretty busy for a Monday with a few little kids running to the in door playground, and a few teenagers laughing and talking about random things. As I waited in line next to a quiet Liam a little girl about 7 years old caught my attention. I watched as she twirled around tables in a bright red shirt that had a heart on it with a blue and pink tutu around her waist. Her brown hair was in 2 pigtails and a giant grin was spread across her face her two front teeth showing.

I knew I was probably staring at her like a weirdo but I couldn't help it. I loved how she didn't match and that she didn't care that people were watching her dancing around. Who I assumed was her mother sat off to the side smiling fondly at her daughter as she giggled and paraded around. A wave of sadness and jealously washed over me. The feeling wasn't anything new to me but it still hurt every time I saw a mother and daughter. Not having a mother around and seeing other girls with theirs always made me feel sad that I didn't have one and jealous because I wanted one. I wanted a mom who I could tell everything too, someone who would look at me like the mom is doing to the little girl; like I was her entire universe. A mom who would be cheering me on no matter what I did and helping me up when I fell.

The older I got the worse I seemed to feel when seeing sights like that. When I was younger I use to think my mom would come back for me, that I would always have someone there for me. But as I aged I knew she wasn't coming back and that I was all on my own. You don't realize it but the older you get the more you need your mom. As a teenager you didn't want anything to do with her and as the world starts to become bigger and heavier you need someone there to help with the weight.

With a nudge on my arm I looked away from the mother and daughter to see that it was our turn to order. Usually the sight didn't bother me as bad before, having worked at the diner helped me put a hard shield around myself at the sight of families, maybe my emotions were already high from the paparazzi before because I could feel my eyes tearing up and my throat tightening. Swallowing the lump in my throat and blinking my eyes rapidly I got ready to order. While I ordered I ignored the daggers being sent at me by the girl behind the counter. My head would have 2 holes in it if her eyes had lasers. I've come to terms that every time I go out with Liam I will get heated stares. Not bothering to argue with Liam about paying I grabbed our cups and walked off rolling my eyes at the girl.

After getting my drink and handing Liam his I found us a seat near the back by the window. When Liam took a seat across from I looked anywhere but at him. What could I say to him? Thank you for saving me from the paparazzi? Thanks for being a complete ass to me in front of your friends?

"I'm sorry." Liam said suddenly making me snap my head up to stare at him. I didn't know what he was apologizing for but I was going to take it either way. It's not everyday he says sorry that's for sure.

"It's fine."

"I don't know how the paparazzi found out. Lennon and Blake wouldn't tell anyone." He said quietly almost to himself. Before he had time to think more into it our order was called. For the next few minutes we ate silently both of us lost in thought. I stared at Liam while he ate like a complete weird finding him even more attractive as he chew. Wow did I hit my head or something? I thought to myself.

"So Blake seemed nice." I commented tired of the silence between us.

"Yeah he's a great guy. Takes a little bit to get through his exterior." Like you? I wondered silently.

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