|| 2. Saving Harry

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Y/N sat awkwardly on the couch in the Granger's living room, her fingers lightly tapping the side of the teacup that had been placed in her hands

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Y/N sat awkwardly on the couch in the Granger's living room, her fingers lightly tapping the side of the teacup that had been placed in her hands. Mrs. Granger, warm and welcoming, had offered her a cup of tea accompanied by a selection of cookies and biscuits arranged neatly on the coffee table. She found herself in a situation she hadn't initially intended, questioning her decision to accept the invitation.

Taking a tentative sip of the tea, Y/N's lips curled into a small smile. "The tea's really lovely, Mrs. Granger," she murmured, her voice soft.

The older woman's smile widened. "Oh, you're too kind," she responded with gratitude, taking a seat on a nearby bean chair. Her gaze settled on Y/N, her eyes reflecting genuine interest.

"It's actually grown right in our backyard," Mrs. Granger continued, a sense of pride evident in her tone.

Y/N nodded slightly, attempting to ease her unease with polite conversation. "I could tell. It has a very... homey taste. I could tell just by it's smell that it was grown by very sophisticated people who know their tea well, I presume?" she replied, her words tinged with an awkward charm.

A chuckle escaped Mrs. Granger's lips. "You have a way with words. Hermione mentioned you were from the wizarding world."

A faint blush dusted Y/N's cheeks, and she nervously cleared her throat. "Yes, that's right."

Mrs. Granger leaned forward slightly, her expression thoughtful. "You know, Hermione could really use friends like you," she remarked, her tone warm and appreciative.

Y/N chuckled, a mixture of surprise and nervousness in her laughter. "Thank you. I think we've... had our moments."

"She's mentioned you before—described an athletic girl with red eyes. You're Y/N, right?" Mrs. Granger inquired, a warm smile on her face. "Or have I mistaken you for someone else?" she added, her curiosity genuine.

"No, you've got it right, Ma'am," Y/N confirmed.

"Well, I must say, your eyes are truly captivating, and your personality seems to match that beauty," Mrs. Granger praised, her words sincere.

Y/N's cheeks tinged with a soft blush, and she waved off the compliment modestly. "You flatter me, Mrs. Granger."

The older woman chuckled lightly. "I simply speak the truth."

A thoughtful expression crossed Mrs. Granger's face. "I'll admit, I had some concerns about Hermione making friends, given the differences in her background compared to yours. You're a pure-blood, correct? I've tried to familiarize myself with some of the terms Professor McGonagall mentioned."

"Yes, that's right," Y/N confirmed with a nod.

"Hermione mentioned a girl who made her cry during a clothing fitting, and there was another instance when she described someone who used to pick on her at the beginning of a term," she continued, her tone carrying a hint of protective warmth.

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