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Y/N strolled through the courtyard, her hands casually tucked into her pockets, earphones in place, the sound of her footsteps brushing lightly against the grass

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Y/N strolled through the courtyard, her hands casually tucked into her pockets, earphones in place, the sound of her footsteps brushing lightly against the grass. Small beads of sweat dotted her forehead, a testament to the mid-summer warmth, which was even more pronounced for someone like her, someone who could control flames.

She came to an abrupt halt when her eyes fell upon an unexpected sight. Hermione and Agil were seated together on the swings, both holding Potions books and engaged in conversation with genuine smiles. Y/N strained to catch snippets of their dialogue.

"Really? That's so cool, Y/N sounds amazing," Agil's voice reached Y/N's ears in a faint murmur.

"She is," Hermione replied warmly.

"It just sucks she hates me though," Agil whispered with a hint of sadness.

"She doesn't, I assure you," Hermione countered firmly. Agil sighed softly, her brows furrowing as she struggled to find the right words.

"I'm not so sure of that, Hermione. Y/N looks like she wants to turn me into a frog every time she looks at me," Agil expressed her doubt.

Hermione responded, "She looks at everyone like that."

Agil shook her head. "No, she doesn't. She doesn't look at you like that."

Hermione's curiosity was piqued. "...What do you mean? How does she look at me?"

"Well..." Agil started, her finger tapping her chin as she contemplated. "Like... she's only looking at you," she murmured, her words causing a faint blush to appear on Y/N's cheeks as she discreetly eavesdropped. "It's like...— gentle, almost. I can't quite put it into words, but her eyes become tender when they land on you."

Hermione chuckled softly in response, her head dipping down slightly. "I don't think that's true."

Agil, however, persisted. "You look at her in the same way," she commented.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at Agil's observation. "Well, maybe you're onto something," she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of fondness.

Agil grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "See? It's not just one-sided." Their conversation continued, Y/N still standing at a distance, her heart racing. 


"What does she mean by 'one-sided'?" Y/N exclaimed as she paced back and forth, her frustration evident. Harry and Ron watched her, genuinely trying to help, but equally puzzled by girl problems and feelings. They were in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"I dunno, mate," Ron replied with a small sigh, scratching his head. "Maybe you look at her with one side of your face," he suggested, though he knew it didn't make much sense.

Y/N stopped in her tracks, her brows furrowing in disbelief. "What?" She blinked, utterly baffled. "That doesn't even make sense, Ron!"

Harry chimed in, trying to offer some insight. "Uh... maybe Hermione stares at you a lot, but she thought you weren't staring back at her," he ventured, attempting to grasp the situation.

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