|| 21. Dueling Club

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"Gather 'round!" Lockhart's voice boomed across the platform where the dueling club had gathered

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"Gather 'round!" Lockhart's voice boomed across the platform where the dueling club had gathered. Aurora had managed to persuade Y/N to join, though her enthusiasm was far from infectious. 

Lockhart continued, "Can everybody see me?"

Y/N exchanged an annoyed glance with Aurora before Lockhart added, with an air of self-importance, "Can you all... hear me?" Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at his antics. Lockhart's smugness grated on her nerves.

"In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this Dueling Club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves," he explained.

"Great, just the teacher we need," Y/N muttered under her breath, her skepticism about Lockhart's abilities quite evident.

Lockhart seemed to revel in the attention as he continued, "Very funny, Miss Crimson. But as you all may know, I myself have done so on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works." 

He threw in a smug remark, prompting Hermione and Aurora to exchange excited glances, much to Y/N's dismay. Lockhart even went so far as to dramatically remove his cape and toss it into the crowd, causing a frenzy among the girls.

"Let me introduce my assistant...!" Lockhart proclaimed with his hands on his hips. "Professor Snape," he declared, pointing in Snape's direction.

The room fell into whispers and murmurs as Snape made his way up to the platform menacingly. Lockhart added with a hint of sardonic humor, "He has sportingly agreed to help with a short demonstration."

Lockhart's parting comment, "Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry, I won't hurt your dear Potions master— that badly," drew mixed reactions from the crowd, with some chuckles and nervous laughter.

The two men faced each other, their wands raised like swords in front of them. They bowed to each other and then turned on their heels before they walked to the opposite sides of the platform.

Lockhart began the countdown, "One..."



Snape quickly incanted, "Expelliarmus!" A large ring of light flashed around his wand, and a white bolt shot from its tip, directed at Lockhart. The spell sent the blonde man propelling backward, and he landed flat on his butt.

Hermione couldn't help but express her concern, whispering, "Do you think he's all right?"

Y/N, however, didn't share the same sentiment. She responded with a scoff, "Who cares? I reckon Snape should've just finished him off." Hermione shot her a small glare in response.

Ron joined in with his own comment, saying, "I reckon they should finish each other off." The two friends shared a snicker, while Hermione rolled her eyes at their callous remarks.

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