|| 33. Dobby Is Free

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"You four realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken, perhaps, a dozen school rules!?" Dumbledore's stern words echoed through his office

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"You four realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken, perhaps, a dozen school rules!?" Dumbledore's stern words echoed through his office. Harry, Y/N, Hermione, and Ron stood in front of his desk, heads bowed in acknowledgment.

"Yes, sir," they murmured in unison, their voices filled with a sense of guilt.

"And there is sufficient evidence to have you all expelled!?" Dumbledore continued, his tone making them all feel the weight of their actions.

"...Yes, sir," they replied, their hearts sinking at the thought.

"Therefore, it is only fitting..." Dumbledore's voice trailed off, and the four students tensed, bracing themselves for the impending punishment, their faces etched with worry and concern.

"That you only receive special awards for services to the school," Dumbledore concluded, his tone shifting to one of amusement. The students' expressions transformed from fear to surprise, and then joy, as they exchanged smiles and laughter.

"Thanks, sir!"

Dumbledore rose from his desk, his demeanor shifting once again. "Now, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, if you would, have an owl deliver these papers to Azkaban," he instructed, handing Ron and Hermione a letter. They accepted it, their heads tilted in curiosity.

"I believe we're gonna need our gamekeeper back," Dumbledore added with a hint of gravity. Ron and Hermione nodded in understanding and left the room, exchanging a concerned glance, but before they left, Hermione turned to look over at Y/N.

"You were really brave out there," Hermione whispered to Y/N, a genuine admiration in her voice.

 Then, she did something unexpected. Hermione got on her toes, cupped Y/N's face, and placed a tender kiss on Y/N's cheek. Y/N's face flushed with surprise, and Hermione giggled playfully before running after Ron, leaving Y/N standing there, blushing and touched by the gesture.

"Ah, young love," Dumbledore sighed with a knowing twinkle in his eye, causing Y/N's face to flush with embarrassment, while Harry couldn't help but smirk, fully aware that he had ample teasing material for the foreseeable future.

Dumbledore's tone turned serious as he addressed the pair. "First and foremost, I want to thank both of you. Harry, your bravery in the Chamber was nothing short of remarkable. Only true courage could have summoned Fawkes to your aid."

Turning more earnestly to Y/N and Harry, Dumbledore continued, "Secondly, I sense that something is troubling you two. Am I right?"

Harry hesitated for a moment, glancing at Y/N as if seeking her approval to share their concerns. Y/N offered a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand, encouraging him to speak.

"It's just—" Harry began, his words stumbling slightly. "You see, sir, I couldn't help but notice certain things, certain... similarities between Riddle and me."

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