|| 14. Twins

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Y/N fluttered her eyes open, her gaze widening as she took in her surroundings

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Y/N fluttered her eyes open, her gaze widening as she took in her surroundings. She was in a room, sitting on a chair next to a gaming chair. It felt oddly familiar, like a teenager's bedroom.

"Where the heck am I?" she whispered to herself, her hands tied. The captors hadn't done a very good job at securing her.

"Don't move!" a voice exclaimed, making Y/N quickly turn her head.

It was the same boy who had used electricity on her earlier, and a girl with long black hair sat on the bed, both wearing worried expressions.

(Jesus Christ, Auntie's gonna kill me if she found this out) "Diyos Mio, papatayin ako ni Tita pag nalaman nya 'to," the boy exclaimed.

(Are you stupid, Aaron? Why didn't you just talk to her? Why'd you have to pull a dick-head move, saying "I'll kill you", you're so stupid!)

"Bobo ka ba, Aaron? Bakit mo di na lang kinausap? Nagpa-cool-kid-cool-kid ka pa na 'papatayin kita,' engot ka talaga!" the girl scolded, prompting Y/N to glance at the boy, who she figured was Aaron.

(Whatever, ugh! What are we gonna do now, Alyssa?) "Bala na nga! Ugh, ano na gagawin natin, Alyssa?" Aaron groaned.

(My head hurts, I don't know.) "Ang sakit ng ulo ko, 'di ko din alam," Alyssa grumbled. (You're so stupid, it's a foreigner too, probably from Hogwarts or Ilvermony) "Bobo mo kasi. Foreigner pa naman, mukhang taga-Hogwarts or Ilvermony."

Y/N listened, trying to piece together what was happening as she sat there, still tied up.

"I don't know what you two are talking about, but you better let me go or I'll have you both sued!" Y/N exclaimed, quickly untying the towel that had bound her hands. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Were these two idiots?

(Hoy, son of a bitch, she's gonna sue us!) "Hoy, putangina, sue-sue daw tayo!" Aaron exclaimed, shaking Alyssa in panic.

"Uh... no hablo inglés," Alyssa blurted out, and Y/N's brow remained furrowed.

"Please don't get mad at us," Aaron pleaded, and Y/N scoffed.

"You kidnapped me, and you expect me not to get mad? Are you mentally incapable?" Y/N retorted, walking up to Aaron.

"Okay, chill. We were just... don't move or I'll electrocute you!" Alyssa threatened, her tone shaking with nerves.

"Where the hell am I?" Y/N demanded to know, but before she could get an answer, a zap of lightning shot through her shoulder.

"Stay there!" Aaron said sternly.

"Oh, you..." Y/N started, taking a few steps more towards the boy, multiple volts of electricity being sent her way, causing the bedroom lights to flicker. "God damn," she muttered.

As she observed the two, her mouth dropped open in surprise. Both Alyssa and Aaron were sending electricity, but that was impossible. Only one of them should possess that ability.

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