|| 29. Pheonix Burst

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Startled by the sudden arrival of the flying car, the group wasted no time

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Startled by the sudden arrival of the flying car, the group wasted no time. Y/N and her friends hurriedly scrambled into the vehicle, their hearts pounding with a mix of relief and excitement. The car's doors slammed shut behind them as it roared to life, its engine revving with a mechanical growl.

"Thanks, Dad!" Ron shouted, even though Arthur Weasley wasn't actually present. The car seemed to respond to Ron's voice, as if it understood his gratitude.

The car ran through the cave and into the tunnel, with large spiders pouncing on it as it sped through the dirt, angered by the burnt corpses of their siblings. Hermione let out an ear-piercing scream, clutching Y/N tightly in the backseat.

The car jumped down, nearly landing on its trunk, finally managing to escape the horde of spiders. Ron's chest heaved, his grip on the wheel tight. "Glad we're out of there," he muttered.

Harry smiled, while Y/N groaned and threw her head back, the effort she had exerted completely draining her energy. Hermione stroked the back of Y/N's hair comfortingly as the Ravenclaw rested on her shoulder.

Suddenly, a large spider that had managed to cling onto the car popped out through the broken window near the driver's seat, wrapping its hairy legs around Ron's neck. Harry swiftly drew out his wand.

"Arania Exumai!" Harry exclaimed, a white wisp escaping from the tip of his wand, sending the spider flying away.

Ron gasped for breath, gripping the wheel once more. "Thanks for that."

"Don't mention it," Harry whispered, peering out of the car window. His eyes widened, and Ron and Hermione followed his gaze. Y/N was knocked out cold, with Fang resting on her lap, both snoring away. Multiple spiders menacingly approached them.

"Get us out of here, drive, now!" Harry shouted, his urgency evident. Ron tightened his grip on the wheel and pressed on the gas. The car reversed as fast as it could.

"Faster!" Hermione urged, wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist to prevent the sleeping girl from being tossed around inside the car.

"Come on! Drive faster!" Harry exclaimed, the urgency in his voice growing. The car spun around, and Ron attempted to pull the gear lever, but it seemed jammed.

"Go!" Harry and Hermione shouted simultaneously, gripping onto the edges of their seats as the spiders closed in from all directions.

"Get us in the air!" Harry instructed, Ron struggled with the jammed lever, while Hermione set Y/N gently against the window and joined the effort. The three of them strained with all their might.

"I'm trying!" Ron gasped, driving past more spiders, until finally, with a click, the lever released. The car lifted hastily into the sky, its front trunk brushing against a tree in the process.

The car soared through the air, finally making its way out of the Dark Forest. It hovered down and landed on the ground with a loud thud, jolting Y/N awake. She jumped up in her seat, letting out a panicked grunt, while Hermione guided her out of the car.

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