|| 32. Just A Memory

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Their frantic footsteps echoed through the Chamber as they fled for their lives, with Tom commanding the Basilisk to give chase, revealing that the colossal serpent only obeyed his orders

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Their frantic footsteps echoed through the Chamber as they fled for their lives, with Tom commanding the Basilisk to give chase, revealing that the colossal serpent only obeyed his orders.

Harry accidentally slipped on the watery pavement, his hands instinctively grabbing onto Y/N's robes as he went down, causing her to let out a startled yelp as she struggled to pull him back up. Harry's trembling hands desperately searched the ground for his fallen glasses.

Just as the Basilisk roared and its fangs gleamed menacingly, baring its razor-sharp teeth, the familiar and piercing cry echoed once more. Fawkes swooped in, landing on the serpent's face and pecking fiercely at its eyes. The Basilisk let out ear-piercing screams of agony as Fawkes blinded it with each savage peck

Cracking sounds and guttural bites filled the air, but Y/N and Harry couldn't bring themselves to watch the gruesome scene unfold. They kept their eyes fixed on the shadows cast by the Chamber's ceiling, their faces contorted in disgust and horror.

"No!" Tom bellowed in fury, his eyes wide with anger. "Your bird may have blinded the Basilisk, but it can still hear you!"

The Basilisk let out one final roar before Fawkes managed to escape. The writhing monster screeched in pain, and Y/N and Harry discreetly took a few steps back. However, due to the water on the ground and the Basilisk's acute hearing, it sensed their presence.

Y/N and Harry exchanged frantic glances and dashed to the side, seeking any cover they could find. They ran with all their might, their chests heaving, hearts pounding, and pulses racing. The Basilisk's deadly bites narrowly missed them as they sprinted away, the creature in relentless pursuit.

Y/N and Harry raced through one of the pipes, their movements erratic and unsteady from the rush of adrenaline coursing through their veins. The pungent odor of sewage water filled their nostrils, and small rats scurried away from their path.

They made a sharp turn before their eyes widened, coming face to face with a dead end. Panic set in as they realized they had reached the blocked-off end of a pipe. Y/N let out a frustrated grunt as she desperately tried to bend or move the obstructing barrier, her strength proving insufficient.

A menacing growl resonated through the pipe, causing the two to press their backs against the bars, their breaths held, eyes wide with terror. The Basilisk moved closer, its red, bloodied and blinded eyes fixed on its prey, and a sinister hiss escaped its jaws as it prepared to strike.

Harry and Y/N crouched low, barely avoiding the deadly fangs that snapped dangerously close to them. Their trembling fingers scrabbled along the floor, searching for anything that could aid their escape. 

Y/N's hand closed around a small rock, and she hurled it in the opposite direction. The Basilisk reacted immediately, its massive form slowly turning away from them and continuing its sinuous journey through the maze of pipes.

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