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Instagram DM's

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Instagram DM's

Favorite Muggle

6 missed calls

152 unread messages

@granger4v : Y/N? Are you okay now? I'm on the plane right now, I haven't seen you in days.

@no1crimson : woah

@granger4v : Merlin's Beard, where have you been!?

@no1crimson : hogs

@granger4v : !?!??!?!

@no1crimson : dumbledore told me to go back home early

@granger4v : I've been worried sick about you.



Y/N sat in Lockhart's dimly lit classroom, her wrist aching from having to spend detention with the narcissistic professor due to the trouble she caused on the trip.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," Lockhart's voice exclaimed with an exaggerated flair. "Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fanmail?" He said, oozing self-confidence. Y/N placed her phone down with a sigh, the sound of Lockhart's quill scratching on parchment filling the room.

"Yeah, because I just love reading love letters from middle-aged women obsessed with you," Y/N replied sarcastically.

Lockhart chuckled. "Ah, you remind me of myself when I was young—bright and sarcastic. That's probably why I was such a hit with the ladies." He grinned. "I assume young men flock around you like moths to a flame?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Y/N deadpanned.

Lockhart leaned in, a charming smile on his face. "Oh, really? I'd say it's that captivating personality of yours. And you do have a very pretty face, you know?" he commented.

"You're a creep," Y/N shot back.

Lockhart chuckled again. "Just speaking the truth, my dear," he said in his usual la-di-da tone, twirling his quill in his hand. "Fame is a fickle friend, Y/N. Celebrity is as celebrity does," he said sternly, Y/N couldn't take him seriously. "Remember that," he whispered.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, her head tilting sideways as she scratched her neck, a faint, eerie voice passing by her ears.

"Come," it whispered, sending shivers down her spine. "Come... to... me..."

"What was that?" Y/N murmured, her eyes darting around the dimly lit room.

"Sorry?" Lockhart spoke up, clearly perplexed by her sudden reaction.

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