|| 6. Siblings

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Y/N slumped at the Ravnclaw table in the Great Hall, her appetite non-existent

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Y/N slumped at the Ravnclaw table in the Great Hall, her appetite non-existent. Aurora and the others around her were already digging into their food after the long train ride, and the first-year students were being sorted into their respective houses.

"Why aren't you eating?" Sophie asked, her mouth half-full of food. 

Y/N shrugged, her gaze briefly flicking towards the Gryffindor table where Hermione was seated. Their eyes met for a split second before Y/N hastily looked away, feeling a pang of awkwardness.

"I'm just not that hungry," Y/N mumbled, even though her stomach was protesting with a low growl. She wasn't in the mood to eat, she never was, but especially not with the tension hanging between her and Hermione.

"What, are you on some kind of diet?" Sophie teased, piling some food onto Y/N's plate. Y/N sighed, reluctantly picking up her utensils and pushing her food around on the plate.

"Agil Crimson!" McGonagall's voice boomed, interrupting the conversation and catching Y/N's attention. She straightened up in her seat, her curiosity piqued.

"Is that your sister?" Seraphina asked, her eyes widening in excitement.

Y/N's lips twitched with annoyance. "I don't know who that is," she replied curtly, her attention divided between the Sorting Hat and her own thoughts.

"Hufflepuff!" the Sorting Hat declared, and Y/N's gaze lifted as Agil walked over to the Hufflepuff table. Agil's eyes met Y/N's, and the younger girl's face lit up with recognition. She waved at Y/N excitedly, but Y/N's response was a curt nod before she looked away, annoyance etched on her features.

"Yo, Crimson, that your sister?" Draco's voice murmured from the Slytherin table, drawing Y/N's attention. She clenched her jaw, not in the mood to explain her family dynamics.

"Axel Crimson!" McGonagall's voice echoed through the hall.

"Hey, you never mentioned you had twin siblings," Aurora nudged Y/N with an amused smile.

"They're not my siblings!" Y/N snapped a bit too sharply, her words echoing in the hall and drawing curious looks from nearby students. She awkwardly cleared her throat, her face flushing as she glanced around at the attention she'd garnered. 

"I mean... they're not related to me like that. Just... same last name," she mumbled, not wanting to dive into the complexities of her family history.

"Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat called out, and Axel joined the Slytherin table, blending in with the other students of his house. Y/N sighed quietly, her appetite completely gone now. The tension in the Great Hall was palpable, and Y/N wished she could just disappear.

"Now that the sorting is complete," Dumbledore's authoritative voice echoed through the Great Hall, capturing everyone's attention. "I have a few announcements to make," he continued, and a hushed anticipation spread throughout the room. "I would like to begin by introducing an extraordinary opportunity for our second-year students and above..."

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